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4H fair is today

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Our long awaited 4H fair is today.

DS's results so far -

Aerospace (rocket) -blue

Aerospace (display) - blue

Dog Care - blue

Entomology (insect collection) - blue

Entomology (project display) - blue


DS and his dog have the dog show this afternoon, folowed by the rocket launch, and the award ceremony.


DD's results-

Cat care - blue

Vet science - blue

Cooking 201 - blue


DD has the Federation Officer installation, award ceremony and dance tonight.



Anybody else have a 4H fair recently?

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It sounds as though your children are doing great!

My son had judging last week for his archery project. This is our first year with 4H and he has really enjoyed it. He found out yesterday that he was chosen to attend the state fair! Sorry for the brag - I am really proud of him and you provided the perfect opportunity ;-)


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Final results -

DS received Best of Show trophies for his entomology and Camping (Natural Resources) projects. He was also selected as State Fair Delegate for both. He had to decline, though, as the IL state fair has chosen to do a one day conference judging this year due to budget cuts. Judging day is during the same weekend DS's Boy Scout Troop is going white water rafting.


DS and his dog earned blue ribbons for Showmanship and obedience classes in the Dog Show. This is their second year and they did so much better than last year. Maybe next year they will qualify for the state dog show.


DS's rocket literally lit up the sky. It caught fire in flight and made a spectacular crash landing near the horse arena. Luckily the soil was wet from last night's rain and the rocket didn't sustain too much damage. The wadding burned, the parachute melted and the inner hull is scorched The outside looks great, though. I think the 8 coats of paint helped maintain external integrity.


DD did not win any of the big awards. To be quite honest, I am glad. She has had a horrible attitude this year and waited until the last minute to complete her projects. I hope it's just a phase because she has done very well in the past and needs to continue along that path if she wants to be considered for 4H college scholarships.

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