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I need help with good international cell phone plans based in US

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We are getting a foreign exchange student from Thailand in just a few weeks. She has indicated that she wants to buy an iphone 3G and wants information about plans. Is this the best way to go or is there a less expensive plan? I just want to give her the information so she can make an informed decision and I don't want her to get ripped off with huge and needless fees. I just don't know where to look. I understand T-Mobile also has international plans, but I am lost when it comes to cell phones.


Thanks for any help or links you can give me!

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I would encourage her to use skype if she wants to call internationally. You can't beat the price. For family, she can prearrange a time to call regularly and then meet up on the computer at the same time.

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You can Skype from your iPhone!


Don't forget there is a 2 year commitment if you want the cheap price, otherwise you can pay full price and just pay month to month. The cheapest plan, with no texting, will be @$70/mo + tax. I wonder if you can have no air time? Then it would only be $30/mo!

Edited by Ailaena
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She could buy an unlocked phone and put it on t-mobile. I'm not sure about the logistics of that. I do know that she won't be able to do 3G data, only edge.


Also, make sure what she buys will work in her country upon her return home. There are SIM number issues and getting them to work otherwise.


I'd suggest searching an iPhone forum (macrumors has international users, there are others out there too) and asking there what the best plan of action for her to do is.


iPhones from AT&T have no pay as you go option in the US. AND, you have to have data....


You might be able to find a decent price for a 3G phone on ebay or craigs list since a lot of people are selling to upgrade.

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You can use calling cards from cell phones. The best plan varies from country to country. My dad swears by Enjoyprepaid because they have the cheapest rates to Hungary and within the US. Dh uses a different plan to call Venezuela. If you google prepaid cards and Thailand you'll be able to find something.


Skype is an awesome option too. My kids love to talk to dh and their grandparents with the cameras. The connection can be spotty depending on the telecom capacity of the other country, but it works okay to most places, although the picture quality can be poor. My guess is that Thailand will work well.

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