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Supplimenting math

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As I've posted before, Dot is blowing through her math pretty quickly, and is on task to finish CLE 100 by Christmas. While we will likely simply keep moving and begin 200 whenever she finishes 100, I would like to suppliment her with another program to increase her exposure to mathematical concepts, problem-solving, and logic. I'm in no way displeased with CLE at all, however if we can go deeper while simultaneously keeping up with her desire to do between 2 and 4 lessons a day in the LUs, I think that's not necessarily a bad thing.


Right now I'm considering Miquon and MEP, but I'm open to other options, especially free/cheap ones.

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Instead of using an additional program, I liked to use games and workbooks to supplement math. Some things I found on-line just through googling, such as sites with fun word problems, others I learned about through homeschool boards and some I found through serendipity.


Look for math workbooks from Prufrock Press and the Critical Thinking Company, and look for the fun math puzzle books from Highlights.


Do you have pattern blocks or tangrams? There are some very advanced puzzle books that go with these that can be lots of fun. It may seem simplistic but kids are getting a sense of how shapes correlate and it will actually help them in geometry and trig when they get to high school.


How about the game of Set or Rush Hour?


There is a wonderful book called Family Math that has all kinds of activities and games for working on math concepts. There is an elementary and middle school book.


Theoni Pappas has written some wonderful and accessible books on math concepts and she publishes calendars that have a problem a day (those get somewhat advanced). The book The Number Devil, by another author, is also great for expanding thinking on math concepts.

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I'll look for those - thanks! I'm not so concerned with her getting the basic math; she obviously is doing well there. I just want her to get more of the inside-out and upside-down understanding of math beyond what's typically expected of a first grader. I'm not "mathy" at all, so I want her to have that really firm foundation.

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  • 2 months later...

We haven't started CLE yet (in the mail), but my ds loves MEP. He calls it his "fun logic sheet", and often asks to do one more sheet (2 more lessons) a day. It's inexpensive (just the cost of printing), and certainly has the children think in different ways from the traditional math program. I'm impressed with it so far, and plan on continuing using it concurrently with CLE. HTH;)

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Dot is currently 4 lessons into LU 105. We've downloaded MEP, but haven't begun using it yet. Depending on when she finishes 110 (at the current rate, I suspect late January), we may work in MEP year 1 until June rather than moving to the 200 level. We'll see when we cross that bridge. ;)

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