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(Female content!) Have any of you skipped your TOM for no reason?

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My cycle was due 6/24. Nothing. I am not pregnant (for sure). I have had no undue stressors that I can think of. No increase in exercise. No illness. No changes that come to mind at all.


About 14 days after I was due, I think I was ovulating again. :confused: Typical symtoms of that.


I have NEVER missed a period. Always been like clockwork 28-30 days. I can maybe think of one time when I was a little late after having the flu.


It's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it's not like we are trying to conceive or anything. But should I be concerned about anything? Do I need to see my doctor? I don't want to pay a $40 co-pay to be told it's nothing, or lose some weight and come back later.


The only thing I can think of is that I'm about to be 42. :glare::001_huh: Could this be the start of something like perimenopause? I've tried looking at some medical sites but it's all too overwhelming.



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This happened to me last summer. My cycles are slightly irregular as to the number of days between each but they always come - until last summer. They just seemed to stop. I went to the OB/GYN and he ran some tests and nothing was wrong. He said hormone levels did not indicate perimenopause or anything. I tried once again going on the pill to see if it would kick start things (which I should just know better - I cannot take those things). After taking it one month, I quit and things did seem to kick start. He also said I could just wait it out. If it concerns you, I would go in for an appointment, especially if it continues.

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I have those same symptoms and KNOW I'm not pregnant. I also have been having pretty bad acne breakouts...anyone else with this symptom?


Also, is Dr. Lee's book (mentioned above), "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Perimenopause," similar to Dr. Diana Schwartzbein's Book, "The Schwarzbein Principal"? Her book talks about glycemic balancing. It makes sense, but it is just tough to follow. I was able to stay on her high protein (NOT low carb, just careful carb) diet for about two months, but it was just too, too hard to do it while cooking for a 5 and a 3 year old, let alone my husband who thought I was nuts for eating scrambled eggs with fresh mozzarella and cream, cooked in butter along with a side of natural (no nitrates, no aging, etc.) turkey sausage every morning.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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Thanks for the replies ladies. I do feel fine. I just had a check up (ironically as I was finishing my last cycle) and we did blood work, pap, exam, all the normal stuff and everything was fine. I guess at this point I'll wait it out to see if things return to normal, or see if this is the new normal. I'll also look for the recommended book.

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I second the book recommendation. I got a few different ones from the library last year. What an eye opener! The beginning of perimenopause can be much earlier than you'd think, and while you may only have a few, there are a myriad of symptoms. It also helps to be educated about this season of life in case you do decide to go to the doctor. I remember there were also some very helpful recommendations if you were wanting to be proactive about your health.

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I think I've read one of those books, but about hormones, which changed my view of things. Anyway, I should read that book (premenopause) too, I haven't had a period for a few years and I'm "only" 36! I was just going to look into the reasons. Up until a half year ago, my life was extremely busy, hectic and stressful, but now I have no real stresses.

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I've just come off a 6 week cycle and i am only 27. My cycle has always been regular too. My Aunty went through the change at 32 so i guess we have early starters at our house. I have had blood work and a pap and nothing was abnormal. I am still concerned though because unfortunately the PMS was 3 weeks longer than normal and everyone suffered!!

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