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Going crazy! Hake vs Easy Grammar Ultimate


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I would say that Hake 8 and Easy Grammar 8 Ultimate are pretty comparable in scope (I just perused both TOCs). Meaning they reveiw all basics and go pretty much through phrases, clauses....both touch on the subjunctive mood in verbs, etc. They are completely different in style, though, and this is where you'll have to think through what style of learning grammar that you want. I'm not going to stand on any soapbox and preach diagramming vs prepositional phrases. Hake teaches diagramming: the standard visual/pictorial way of understanding at least the sentence structure part of grammar. Easy grammar teaches kids how to recognize and eliminate prepositional phrases in order to get the "core" of the sentence. All the other "stuff" - basic parts of speech, punctuation/capitalization, usage, spelling and the like will all be covered pretty similarly no matter which program you use. The difference comes in how different programs analyze sentences. Both these programs will have continual review. As well as thinking through the differing approaches, you may want to consider not throwing him in at grade 8 level of anything, if he hasn't had much grammar to this point. The Ultimate series seems to me to assume a certain level of knowledge going in. Hake also. Probably ok if your kid is fairly bright and will "get it" pretty quick. Can memorize stuff without too much problem. You might consider Easy Grammar Plus as a possibility. It seems to be a bit more comprehensive in beginning at the beginning, than the ultimate series might be. Just a thought. I know that some kids can get in over their heads real quick in grammar if they don't have a strong foundation in the basics first. So really think through what your son knows already, and how much time will be devoted to what he doesn't know of the basic stuff (for me that would be basic parts of speech & sentence structure through maybe...pred. nouns and advs). If they aren't really clear & solid up to there, phrases/clauses/verbals can get pretty tricky. By 8th grade, many books don't spend as much time on the basics, but get to the phrases etc. more quickly. So.....nutshell.....think through which *style* might be the best fit (diagramming vs labeling), and consider the amount of review needed to not be overwhelmed by more advanced topics. HTH,


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I cannot decide which to use Hake or the new Easy Grammar Ulitmate!! This is for an 8th grade student who has very little formal grammar. So, which one do you all recommend and why :)


If they've had very little formal grammar, you'd probably want the level 5 of Hake.

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Oh, I don't know about this. My ds had only done FLL 1/2 and the Latin grammar in LfC A/B, but I started him on grade level this past fall (7th grade/Hake 7). He is doing well, although we have found that it goes better for him if I go over the lesson and practice problems with him.

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My son is in the same boat. I was actually thinking of using Easy grammar Plus or Easy grammar 6 this year...and then next year I can just go to the ultimate series to keep everything fresh. It looks like a lot more review in the EG.


I think the easy grammar looked like a very simple approach that was easy to follow along with. It had clear explanations...but didnt give TOO much work.

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I have used both; I think the Easy Grammar is, well, easier. Taking prepositional phrases out of the sentence is a good way to simplify the sentence for analysis.


But both are good programs. I would get input from your child to see which they would prefer, either way you can't go wrong.

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DS13 had no formal grammar in ps. Last year we went with Easy Grammar Plus and it was terrific. I just bought the student workbook and he went thru it a few pages every day. It has enough review to cement the rules and nice clear explanations.

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