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How Much Is Enough Chemistry?

Wendy In KS

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My daughter is technically in fourth grade, but we've always been behind in science (ala WTM style). This year she has made it through the first book of Adventures with Atoms and Molecules doing the experiments and definitions. I have also had her read through pages in the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia and do narrations on pages about atoms, the periodic table, and a couple other chemistry topics. I really want to move her on to Physics for now through the summer, so she can be back "on track" for her fifth grade year.


Does this seem like enough Chemistry? :confused:


Thanks for any opinions and suggestions!


Also, what are your favorite Physics resources?


Wendy In KS

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We are doing "chemistry" this year and it has been hit or miss. Dd is 4th and ds is 2nd. My goal is to expose them to terminology, maybe remember that an atom is smaller than a molecule. And do some fun experiments so that when it comes around again they say, "oooh, chemistry, we love chemistry!":D

We are heading to physics next year too.

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We've been doing Chemistry this year and it has been a hit and miss thing. But I think for the early years you just want exposure to these topics, so I would say move on.


I just got our Physics program yesterday. It's Christian Kids Explore Physics. Obviously it is a Christian curriculum. I don't know whether that matters to you or not. I really liked it. There was alot of good info in it and, from what I have been able to see, the experiments were on our level--fun but not too intricate.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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