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how long does Saxon 5/4 take your student?

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If I copy out the problems, it obviously goes quicker!

My goal is to copy out half the problems for her, then a quarter, then let her do all the copying by January (we will actually be in 6/5 by then).

With me copying half, it takes about 30-45 minutes, but we are just skipping around, and some lessons are review.

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My boys watch the DIVE cd, read the lesson, and work all of the mental math, lesson practice, and fact sheet and half the mixed practice problems.


I'd say average is 45 minutes.


I have them do even problems for even lessons and odd problems for odd lessons :001_smile:.

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I don't have my son do all of Saxon every day. He knows his facts pretty well, so I only have him do the facts practice once a week. Mental math is once a week also. He reads the entire lesson and does the lesson practice in about 30 minutes - I have him do math first thing in the morning. After lunch, he works on the mixed review. He starts out doing just the odds or evens - if he gets them all right, he's done for the day. If not, he does the rest of the problems. I have found that the hope of doing only 1/2 of the review problems is a huge motivator for double checking his work and avoiding careless mistakes!

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Does anyone make a "booklet" up for their child before the start of the year with problems already printed in it?

Is there an educational purpose in copying out the problems?

Does it reduce the time if the problems are pre-copied?


I am considering Saxon 5/4 for this coming year.

I am a little daunted by that particular aspect.



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:25 minutes.

half hour maybe.


Student reads the book, does the practice and then problem set.

Makes their own corrections without 'help' from Mom.


We use Saxon independent Math 54 and up, and no math books before that.

But they don't start Math 54 utnil they know their math facts, quickly, all of them, plus, minus , times, divide


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