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If you wanted to encourage someone not to have an

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Hi I'm BMW's daughter, with the prego Friend :crying:


My friend's abortion is schedualed for tomorrow, they're giving her an ultrasound so I'm hoping that it might help change her mind about killing her baby :( The baby's 7 weeks old. I'm meeting her for breakfast before we go over there and she know's I'm trying to talk her out of it. The other day we talked for a long time (with me listening mostly) and she's not going to keep the baby so far.


She knows exactly where I stand, and it's really hard for me to be suporting her right now. but it's her decision and I'm trying my best to help her make the right decision :( I offered to watch the baby, and help her with bills, and even told her that when I move into my apartment in a few months she could live with me. No matter what I say she's still afraid to keep it because of her parents (they'd kick her out of the house), and because she can't afford it, and she doesn't think she's responsible enough to raise a child. Her boyfriend isn't presuring her either way, I know him and he's supporting whatever decision she makes.


I'm going to keep trying, and praying. thank you all for your help so far.

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Hi I'm BMW's daughter, with the prego Friend :crying:


My friend's abortion is schedualed for tomorrow, they're giving her an ultrasound so I'm hoping that it might help change her mind about killing her baby :( The baby's 7 weeks old. I'm meeting her for breakfast before we go over there and she know's I'm trying to talk her out of it. The other day we talked for a long time (with me listening mostly) and she's not going to keep the baby so far.


She knows exactly where I stand, and it's really hard for me to be suporting her right now. but it's her decision and I'm trying my best to help her make the right decision :( I offered to watch the baby, and help her with bills, and even told her that when I move into my apartment in a few months she could live with me. No matter what I say she's still afraid to keep it because of her parents (they'd kick her out of the house), and because she can't afford it, and she doesn't think she's responsible enough to raise a child. Her boyfriend isn't presuring her either way, I know him and he's supporting whatever decision she makes.


I'm going to keep trying, and praying. thank you all for your help so far.


God Bless you dear. You are a sweet and wonderful friend and person.

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Why oh why does life have to be this way?:banghead: I can't seem to carry anymore babies to term and someone else . . .well . . .IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!


You know I think it is this thread and my hormones that have made me so depressed this week. I so hope she changes her mind. :crying:

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yeah..... and many could have made the same argument about trusting individual slave owners far more than the gvt because slave owners had a vested interest in their property. :glare:


Odd you'd say that! When we were studying slavery, the comparisons of the thoughts behind slavery and abortion were so similar it was shocking. I don't know why I'd never seen it before. I was constantly shaking my head as the Lord continued to show me how evil our minds can work when we try to deny the truth like that, particularly the truth of life vs. death. :( There is just no limit. It was just so in-your-face!!! I think there is the same de-humanizing thread of evil thinking behind them both!


I'm praying for the friend this week. I am basically the same distance along in my pregnancy as she is. My heart hurts for the life of this child that could be the same age as mine!!

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Why oh why does life have to be this way?:banghead: I can't seem to carry anymore babies to term and someone else . . .well . . .IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!


You know I think it is this thread and my hormones that have made me so depressed this week. I so hope she changes her mind. :crying:


:grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry!! It is injustice to be sure! I hate that the value of that life is just not being seen! I pray you feel better.

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