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Rune scape questions

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OK, I know nothing about rune scape online. But it seems some of the kids at our co-op play it. My son has been asking for the past several weeks if he can go on it. I guess the other kids have asked if he's done it yet and I keep telling him I'm going to check with you before he starts playing there.


So, do any of you have children that play rune scape online? If so, how is it? It looks a little like a virtual D&D, is it? Have you heard anything negative about it? Or, if you don't let your child do this then Why not? Anything you all know about this would really help me make a decision about wether or not to let him on the site. Thanks a bunch


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My dd is 13yo, and I let her play. I have an account also. There are some issues with the language people use in the "public chat"- people talking about s*x, there are certain "dance" moves and "emoticon" actions you can do that can be manipulated by two people to look like one is performing a s*x act. There are LOTS of teens and preteens on there that get huge kicks out of doing such things. BUT- you "can" turn off public chat and he can add his friends usernames to a friends list- and you can control the chat settings (it's been a while since I played though) for private chat to be open for anybody to send you a private chat, or you can have it set to where only friends can send you a private chat, and you can completely turn the chat feature off. :)

I would play with him, and FYI- the last I knew a child had to be 13 to open an account on their own.

It is an interesting time passer, and it's fun when there's a group of people who know each other IRL playing at the same time.

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I actually have a group of mom friends who play (my sister is actually a moderator). I allow my daughter to play (she's 12, I created a second account and allow her to play it) but only under strict rules. She must have the public chat off then she can only see the chat from people in her friends list.


It's true that they are supposed to be 13, this is because of the COPPA law. A company can't save the information of a child under 13 without their parents' permission.


It is a little like virtual D&D and if that sort of fantasy bothers you then you might want to try playing for yourself and see how you feel about it.

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Well, I'll be the odd man out.


My kids found out about this game from me because of the WTM boards. Though the original poster had mentioned addiction issues and behavioral problems since starting the game, I stupidly thought my kid would enjoy it. My checking it out was an hour or two which was completely innocent things like learning to build a fire and such. :(


I'll just say that the behavioral and addiction issues were beyond an extreme here. Also, there are things in the game that hurt our consciences. PLEASE research these issues carefully and pay attention to what you know about your children before you allow this game.


BTW, I choose not to judge other people so hopefully the others will not feel defensive. I just wish I had paid attention to other parents on here that outlined behavioral and conscience issues.

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My kids were playing this when we were living in Belgium. They had found out about it from their other homescholing friends. Other than obsession issues, the most important thing was that someone got ahold of my then 10 or 11 yo daughter's email and starting sending inappropriate and threatening messages. Runescape is one of the only programs that is permanently blocked at our house.

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I play.. and so do my kids occassionally. As with everything else--all things in moderation. It's a fun game, there is nothing inherently bad in the game (only in the chat, but that feature can be turned off)... and it very fun to play.


I don't know what issues Pam speaks of because all you are really doing is playing a world of warcraft type game, but without the intensity of WOW...it's a fun game.

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I do understand the concerns mentioned by others on here.


The Jagex people seem to take inappropriate behavior seriously and players must be very creative to type bad language. Specific words and their obvious variations are blocked. My 10yo and I have been playing for a while. If I'm not actually online with him I'm in the room. We also talk pretty often about strangers both online and in real life He has friends on his buddy list that he doesn't get to see very often so it's a nice way for them to play.


Do check it out for yourself if you're thinking of allowing your kids to play.

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