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Dirtroad-Did you happen to watch the documentary on the history of black gangs recently on PBS? It was extremely enlightening and interesting. I highly recommend it. It doesn't excuse violence but it may explain the reasons behind a certain amount of backlash. I haven't seen anybody try to excuse the teens in question like they have the pool manager and his "poorly worded" statement.


I haven't seen anyone discussing it at all.

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How would it not be racist? There is no such thing as "white culture" However there are plenty of organizations around being "Irish," "Slovenian," "Croatian," "German," and other nationalities. [/quote Nicely stated. Agree.



Will they admit someone that is black and Irish? (Just teasing, couldn't resist);)


Really that is one of the problems in this country.... everyone seems to want to hold on to what they were (or grandparents were) and NOT be Americans. My ancestry is pretty much English & Scottish. I love the heritage of Scotland very much... but I am not Scottish.. not even Scottish-American. I am just plain American. Great Grandmother was Creek Indian... sorry, I can't claim to be Indian or Native American... just too far back & she was 1 grandma.


I think if we keep drawing our own distinct lines.... African-Amer, Irish-Amer, Latino American.... it will never improve. We seem to like to point out our differences... but get really ticked off if someone else does. WE like our little communities & clubs & pageants... but get really ticked off if someone else wants one OR if they point out questionable motivations. All very sad and makes no sense.


I have a BIL who is from a Mexican heritage. He rants & raves about being a Mexican American & about all the descrimination... he has never been to Mexico & can't speak a lick of Spanish..... why? His parents were born here & wanted him to be American. They were so proud. He is so filled with hate. It is sooo sad.

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I don't think there is anything wrong in celebrating our past or where we came from. I think part of the issue with just being "American" is what does that mean? We don't have funny shoes and we don't have povitica, burgers and hotdogs don't seem "exotic" or interesting. I can make killer gravy, but a lot of the people in the South can make killer gravy.


I think living in the melting pot where so many of us are the same...we want to be different. We want to be special. I think it is ok to be different. But at the same time we should celebrate the differences in others as well.


I just can't understand someone saying it is "racist" that a Miss Black America pageant exists in the same thread where people are discussing the existence "clubs" where African Americans are not welcome. Doesn't just the existence of such clubs show a need? Calling people "low life scum" for having such a pageant seems...(I can't really think of an appropriate adjective)


I would just like to mention, there is a Miss German-America pageant.




I just feel it is off-topic to rail against "reverse discrimination" in a thread about minority disadvantaged day care children being denied entry due to the color of their skin. I wish I could tell those kids how sorry I am that such people exist and how sorry I am they were exposed to such nasty individuals.


God forbid they have a beauty pageant.


Can we talk about these kids? Cause I don't think the existence of a beauty pageant is an excuse to kick kids out of a pool. Making a racism thread about "reverse discrimination" really sounds an excuse.

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I haven't seen anyone discussing it at all.


I have because I saw the link a day or two ago. Did you start a new thread on it? If not, why not?


I see nothing wrong with celebrating our diversity. I think the ability and willingness to celebrate our diverse backgrounds and cultures is what makes the US what it is.

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I would just like to mention, there is a Miss German-America pageant.





Hm, that is an interesting fact. I'm looking this up. So far I have found Miss Deaf America, Miss Wheelchair America, Miss Rodeo America, Miss India USA, Miss Chinatown, Miss Greek (this is a sorority thing, not an ethnic thing), Miss Gay America, Miss Latina America, Miss Plus America, Miss Asian America, Miss Christian America, Miss Fitness, there are Natural Beauty Pageants...I could go on and on. Are they all *discriminatory* because they have requirements and/or qualifications? Should plus sized girls be able to win Miss Fitness and fit girls be able to win Miss Plus America? Should a non-deaf woman be allowed to win Miss Deaf America just because there has been ONE Miss America who was deaf? Are girls with boob jobs being discriminated against by not being allowed in Natural Pageants? How about drug-using body builders not being allowed in natural contests?

Edited by Mrs Mungo
am I discriminating against puppies by not killing them with bad punctuation?
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How would it not be racist?


There is no such thing as "white culture"


However there are plenty of organizations around being "Irish," "Slovenian," "Croatian," "German," and other nationalities.


If this is your argument, and I am not saying that you do not have a point, then do you also argue that there is no such thing a "black culture"?


If not then you are trying to argue both sides of the coin.


Surely if you argue against a "white culture" then you similarly argue against a "black culture." Is this what you want to do?


So by your views (as expressed in your post) are you opposing a theoretical "Miss White America" based on the wide ethnic diversity of Europe. Logic would demand that you argue as strenuously against Miss Black America on the basis it should actually be a Miss Yoruba America and that we should also have a Miss Herero America and a Miss Igbo America. All but the most shallow observer of Africa knows that it is a continent made of scores of ethnic groups that are extremely diverse and do not have a single culture (just like you argue for Europe). Therefore, to argue for "black culture" (if we are speaking of the cultures that derived from Africa and incidentally some people include those peoples from the South Pacific and Australia in "black culture") is to argue simply on the basis of the amount of melanin in one's skin. Correct me if I am wrong, but to judge an individual based on the amount of melanin in his skin rather than the content of his character is racism is it not?


Applying your logic to your argument I see that we can put you firmly in the column those who oppose Miss Black America and other such organizations that base membership on skin color.

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