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Okay I'm back as someone else! w. a question...

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Absolutely not! I save everything in my secret boxes and bring it all out for a first day of school celebration. Nothing like new stuff to invigorate you! If you're wanting to give them something, give them *1* new thing that you're willing to use now, and save the rest for surprises when you start in the fall. :)

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My girls wait for the mailman and if he is delivering supplies for school they generally take it away from me and run off to look through it before I know what's happening.


My oldest loves to look through math and latin books. My youngest loves any sort of storybook I buy.


So no, I don't hide my stuff. Then again, I usually order right before we need it so it is usually something we are starting within a couple of days to weeks anyway.:)

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Absolutely not! I save everything in my secret boxes and bring it all out for a first day of school celebration. Nothing like new stuff to invigorate you! If you're wanting to give them something, give them *1* new thing that you're willing to use now, and save the rest for surprises when you start in the fall. :)


Ah, a kindred spirit!


I stash it away too. I even stash away the hand-me-down books so they will seem new to whichever student is getting them next!


New, personalized pencils (nothing like seeing your name on your pencil), new crayons, new markers, new packs of paper, and books you have never seen before=a fresh school year!!!

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I am wondering if you let your dc see next year's schoolbooks ahead of time? I ordered a bunch of stuff for my dc now but we aren't using it till next August. So I wonder if I shouldn't let them see it, so that they will be really psyched in August when I get out all the new stuff?


But, but, but, doesn't this mean you lost all your standing in the polls?


Didn't you just grieve over all your lost rep points? And you have to go through the larvae stage again!:eek:


I wish we could get credit for all the stuff we said on the old board. I have been practicing laundry avoidance on these boards for years. I should be higher in the hive for that, I think!:D


I like your new name, though. You remind me of a steaming cup of Chai tea!!

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I try to put things away before they even see them.


I learned that the hard way last year when I bought a skeleton model to go along with the study of the body. Mind you, that was planned for 3rd quarter.


Since the kids saw it, I was bugged about it EVERY time we did science!


(Wouldn't ya know it- once we got to it, and started the project- the kids lost interest. Who was building the skeleton? ME!)

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I am definitely going to put it all away and even later do secret shopping for their school supplies, maybe I'll let them pick out their backpacks and school boxes, but I'll get all the pencils and crayons and stash those too.


I just got a lovely picture in my mind of all this new stuff and the kids being excited and having a little party or a picnic on the lawn after we check out all the new stuff!!



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I am definitely going to put it all away and even later do secret shopping for their school supplies, maybe I'll let them pick out their backpacks and school boxes, but I'll get all the pencils and crayons and stash those too.


I just got a lovely picture in my mind of all this new stuff and the kids being excited and having a little party or a picnic on the lawn after we check out all the new stuff!!




I get personalized pencils from Oriental Trading Company. They are not expensive and my kids just love them!!

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