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Just had to share ...

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a cute story my almost 5yo DD wrote. She wrote it about 3 weeks ago on a Saturday morning completely unprompted.


I have just typed it as is, enjoy.


Litle Buny

Buny's say tch-tch. Thats how they say hello. Bunny eats grass and carrot. People keep bunnies as pets. Bunnies have big eras. Bunnies are cute and have fluffy tails.

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She doesn't know yet but she is getting a mouse for her birthday, i wonder what mouse story i will have to share next :-)



Awwww that is so cute!! I wonder too! You have to post her stories up after she gets it. :) You know, I have to tell you, my dd was very much like yours writing books all the time, she is now 12 years old and is writing a book series!! She finished her first book (120 pages!) and is working on the second. I told her once we finish our school for the year (in the next couple of weeks) that we can edit her book together and send it around to publishers. It sounds like you have a budding author as well. Best of luck to you. :)



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That is so awesome Jennifer!! I hope a publisher grabs it with both hands.



Thank you so much for your kind words. :) I hope so too! I cannot imagine what a boon that would be to her aspirations. She tells me already that she wants to be an author. :) I think the story is good, but it just needs to be cleaned up a bit as far as grammar and such, but it is a very creative story and I think it is good enough. We'll see if any publishers agree. :)

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