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What do you think of using the Real Science for Kids

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What science have you used up until now, and what stood out as the "easy" versus "hard" elements of that/those program(s) ?


I know, I know. Don't answer a question with another question ! . . . just thinking that if readers knew what, besides reading level, you might want to enfold to the decision, you might receive more precise suggestions.

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He could not read Apologia's General Science. He could read most of the words and have NO idea what he had just read. Then last year, I happened upon AGS Publishing Physical Science and he loved it.



And did quite well with it.


What science have you used up until now, and what stood out as the "easy" versus "hard" elements of that/those program(s) ?


I know, I know. Don't answer a question with another question ! . . . just thinking that if readers knew what, besides reading level, you might want to enfold to the decision, you might receive more precise suggestions.

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Would he be able to LISTEN to Apologia? There are audio versions of it available, a friend uses it for her son. He listens and follows along in the text.


Also, there was a website that i had (for the Blind?) that had audio versions of other texts available, if he understands listening higher that might just work for him?!?!


FYI, the post above yours i reported as spam :D

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What level were you thinking of using? Is it just his reading that is at a 4th grade level?


Here's the thing--I would be hesitant about matching a student to a resource (especially in the content areas, like science and history) based on reading level alone. I'd be more inclined to go with his level of understanding and just read everything to him. I think he would miss out on too much otherwise.


Now, that said, I think that the RS4K level 1 materials are for the middle grades. Each book is pretty short, but if you did all three (biology, chemistry, and physics) you would have a full year of science. In order to check reading level, you can look at the books online at the website (I love it when publishers allow this!).

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If you go to Gravatis Press they have all of the books online for you to look at. My son is in a lower level and while the concepts are more difficult, the language is not. It doesn't shy away from scientific words, but the books are concise and focused without a lot of extra fluff.

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