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Back to basics v functional skills?

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I just finished triennials, and what an eyeopener. (And, yes I stayed on the case).


Nieces functional IQ came back as 71, she has CAPD, which affects IQ. But her WIAT scores were K-3.


She is 21, my thought is lets go back to square one. Get this girl reading so she can live in society. Districts idea is get her functional reading, which sounds like memorizing labels and symbols, ie:stop signs. Mind you, she does not have a good memory per CAPD.


My opinion, is memory/ rote learning will not work in this case, she really needs to learn how to read and get a connection?


Any input?

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http://www.3rsplus.com got my 13dd reading. It might seem too childish for your 21 year old niece but if she wants to read, this program likely would work.


My 13dd has an IQ that tests at 38 but is more like mid 60s. She is now reading easy chapter books and gaining on her reading skills.


We are doing functional math---time, money, etc. and she is still at a 1st grade level with most of that. She can add mixed coins but not 6+7.

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www.3rsplus.com got my 13dd reading. It might seem too childish for your 21 year old niece but if she wants to read, this program likely would work.


My 13dd has an IQ that tests at 38 but is more like mid 60s. She is now reading easy chapter books and gaining on her reading skills.


We are doing functional math---time, money, etc. and she is still at a 1st grade level with most of that. She can add mixed coins but not 6+7.


Thank you, that looks like Bob books, I dont know what the school has tried, but I think any program that works is a good one and it does not look expensive.


And, bravo on your dd reading, that is a great accomplishment.

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They do look like the BOB books on the surface but are much more carefully sequenced and provide a LOT more practice with each new sound/word. The BOB books frustrated my girls while the I See Sam books really worked.


By the time you get to the 4th set of books the stories are a bit "older" which is nice if that is an issue. My girls viewed the early books as "comics" so it was not an issue.


http://www.teacherweb.com/CA/PomeloDriveElementary/Mrssakamoto/printap2.stm is a site where you can print out the first 2 sets for free.


Can she read at all? If so, what level?

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They do look like the BOB books on the surface but are much more carefully sequenced and provide a LOT more practice with each new sound/word. The BOB books frustrated my girls while the I See Sam books really worked.


By the time you get to the 4th set of books the stories are a bit "older" which is nice if that is an issue. My girls viewed the early books as "comics" so it was not an issue.


http://www.teacherweb.com/CA/PomeloDriveElementary/Mrssakamoto/printap2.stm is a site where you can print out the first 2 sets for free.


Can she read at all? If so, what level?


Her reading is at 2.8, I will have her mom download them and see if they work.


Thanks you again.

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With a reading level of 2.8 the first few sets might be too easy for her. Then again, have her do the placement test at http://www.3rsplus.com/documents/Performance_Indicators_000.pdf as she might be missing key pieces earlier---esp. if they taught her using sight words.


Her reading is at 2.8, I will have her mom download them and see if they work.


Thanks you again.

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With a reading level of 2.8 the first few sets might be too easy for her. Then again, have her do the placement test at http://www.3rsplus.com/documents/Performance_Indicators_000.pdf as she might be missing key pieces earlier---esp. if they taught her using sight words.


Thanks again, I sent all those downloads to her mom, now I am wondering if I should step on toes and perhaps virtual tutor her w/reading.

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They might move too fast for her, but she could try my online reading lessons.


If they move too fast, she could try my Blend Phonics step by step guide, it has idiot proof instructions, and is what I use for my younger elementary remedial students. My how to tutor page has it along with a fun game that my adult students like almost as much as my younger students do:



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