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This is a gross question about why puppies like to chew...

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One of our adult cats goes nuts for DH's dirty, sweaty, exercise t-shirts. She goes into a frenzy sniffing the armpits, rubbing all over the shirt, nuzzling and licking it. She occasionally also will do this with socks, underwear, and my bras. She actually pulls dirty laundry out of the basket to do this, especially DH's t-shirts.


Dogs, of course, are also gross, so that probably explains a lot of it! Back when we had a dog, she would eat cat poops out of the litter box if she could get one. She also ate kleenex, and would poop them out in the backyard. They looked exactly the same as before being eaten, just wadded up real tight. We used to say she was a self-wiping dog. :p

Michelle T

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Our dog will eat cat poops out of the litterbox, if she has the chance. We use clumping litter. I've taken to calling them "kitty-roca for dogs".






*kitty-roca...almond-roca...get it?


My DH usually gets me a can of Almond Roca for Christmas each year, and on the label puts "From the cats, we made it ourselves". DH has a sick sense of humor!

Michelle T

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