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Anyone sitting up watching the primary returns?

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Pretty big day for Texas! I can't believe how close it is!!


GAds, I didn't realize George Stephanopoulos had aged so much. Was it really THAT long ago when we all made fun of how young he was?!? It's official... if George looks that old, then I'm TRULY old.


What a bizarre primary season...

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Yeah, that's it. Too much tanning. Yeah. :)


Funniest comment overheard at the precinct today (from good friend who manned the polling station)... "When are the carcasses meeting?" LOL


:D:D:eek: This is giving me a really scary visual of people pushing dead bodies from corner to corner of hotel ballrooms. Too funny!!!!

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Although there was that mongoose in there that one day...just a warning. ;)



Wow! I had to Google 'Hawaii' and 'mongoose' for I had no idea that they were (non-native) natives.


What a thing to have turn up in your schoolroom! And to think I get mad about squirrels...squirrels are not carnivorous! :eek:

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Wow! I had to Google 'Hawaii' and 'mongoose' for I had no idea that they were (non-native) natives.


What a thing to have turn up in your schoolroom! And to think I get mad about squirrels...squirrels are not carnivorous! :eek:


It's just a good thing DH found it and not me. If *I* had found it there I just would have shut the door with a resounding "I expect you to be gone when I return."

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Yeah, that's it. Too much tanning. Yeah. :)


Funniest comment overheard at the precinct today (from good friend who manned the polling station)... "When are the carcasses meeting?" LOL




that's pretty funny! E. and I ushered for AD Players "Peter and the Wolf" - this is the last week and it's very very well done. The girl who plays the cat should be in "Cats"!


I did turn on the TV when we got home but I kept falling asleep (could have something to do with the electric blanket, ahhhh :)

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:D:D:eek: This is giving me a really scary visual of people pushing dead bodies from corner to corner of hotel ballrooms. Too funny!!!!



well, we already know we have dead people voting in elections --the comment rings true in more ways than one, lol.



At least Ron Paul kept his Congressional seat. One campaign down, time to focus on the next. movin' right along :D

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GAds, I didn't realize George Stephanopoulos had aged so much. Was it really THAT long ago when we all made fun of how young he was?!? It's official... if George looks that old, then I'm TRULY old.


nah --I'm convinced a lot of it is artificial aging to make him LOOK "wiser".


GW's eyes don't blink as much as they did when he was running --they must've given him eye drops or something :eek:. Didn't they make G. HW Bush's hair grayer to keep him looking as old as Barb?? I swear they grayed Clinton's hair too to make him look older and "wiser" lol.

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