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WWYD? Just starting to HS

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My kids have been in PS until now. We moved from the Houston area about a year and a half ago. The school they were at was AWESOME! The new school, not so much. Anyway, a friend of mine who HS both of her kids suggested that until I get an idea of where the kids are at, I give them the test, to see what they know, then go back and only cover the information they have missed. Has anyone done this before? I would give the 1st math test, if they do well, give them the 2nd, etc. If they totally bomb a concept, then go back and teach that concept. They are very advanced, so I have no idea where to start on a lot of things. One concern I have is that ds11 will remember the questions on the test. He tends to do that kind of thing. For math, that isn't such an issue, but if I try it in other subjects, it could be a problem. WWYD?

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I did that, and got the books they said. That was a suggestion made after I ordered everything. I was just cuious if anyone has done it, and how it worked for you. I'm still not convinced that they aren't past some of the material in the book, but I don't want to miss anything either.

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Saxon, and they both tested a full grade lvl ahead. They came from a class that worked way ahead on everything, to here where they put them back in a regular class. Dd, especially, was doing stuff she did 2 years ago. I just don't want to waste a lot of time going back over stuff, but I don't know. We'll just have to stay flexible and see how it goes.:001_smile:

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Saxon, and they both tested a full grade lvl ahead. They came from a class that worked way ahead on everything, to here where they put them back in a regular class. Dd, especially, was doing stuff she did 2 years ago. I just don't want to waste a lot of time going back over stuff, but I don't know. We'll just have to stay flexible and see how it goes.:001_smile:


Saxon themselves suggest the testing method, so you are fine using it there. It works particularly well with Saxon because they are spiral - - concepts will be revisited in various lessons. 80% is the cutoff.

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Just want to add that it's not at all unusual to use Saxon a year ahead (we do, JudoMom does, etc). It's fine, but some hit a wall around pre-algebra. That's actually fine with Saxon, because they build in a year that you can skip around then.

Happy Homeschooling!

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