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The Way They See It (artistic pursuits)


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I know there was a thread somewhere about this book, but I can't find it anywhere. Has anyone seen it? What's it about? Is it worth buying? Is there something you wish you'd bought instead? I'm looking for direction for pre-K and am planning to use Artistic Pursuits later on. I can make mess with art materials as well as anyone, but our local library has nothing on theories of teaching art or any such thing.




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I liked it. My daughter loved it!! It was nice to have something written out for me and something where my DD could allow her creativity run through. I used it with Core Knowledge art along with library books on different art that AP was covering in a lesson. HTH.

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This is such a fun art book. We do coloring almost daily, I bring out markers or crayons or coloring books or whatever, but this has helped my kiddos get a good sense of what art is for. It has a piece of art to look at and think about and then a project that is related. The most recent one we did actually used Harold and the Purple Crayon to talk about how art can tell a story then recommended drawing a picture that told a story. The 4 yo got it, the 3 yo sort of got it, the 2 yo had no idea [grin]. The idea is to give some art appreciation (looking carefully at art ... How many bugs are around the vase of flowers?) and to talk about different mediums, so far we've used crayons, markers, play-dough, paints. It isn't supposed to be a single use thing, either, but something that you can come back to again and again before going into the curriculum.


I'm a big fan. Can you tell?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a little behind in responding to my pm, but here are my thoughts as requested. The decription from Artistic Pursuits is very accurate. It is NOT you typical art activity book, but rather a book for you to understand art through your child, as well as activities to help you get the process going (emphasis on the process). My husband esepcailly enjoyed it since it really talks about what your child is thinking as opposed to what your child should be drawing. The activites suggested are really a jumping off point for you and your child. The biggest value to this book it the communcation that I have had with AP. I have had several questions and they are great to work with.


So, this is how I have done the lessons. For each lesson, I would introduce the concept and then back-off. Most of the time, the kids would run with it. Their interest on a certain topic might only be a few minutes, and other times I will have to end art time in order to do other things like eat and sleep. The constant factor with this book is that I always see the concepts come back. All of their art supplies (except paint), is at their level including a paper scrap box and a box with left-over "stuff". Watching them create is very entertaining for all of us.




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Where can you get this book?


Edited to add: Still can't find this one, but I found the others and will be getting them! I can't wait to get the K-3 and the 4-6. Has anyone used the sculpting one? Is it just as good?

Edited by Hsmomto4
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Here: http://www.artisticpursuits.com/apreschool.htm

I'm hoping to get it for Christmas. I have hinted, suggested and even sent dh an email with the link, hehheh. Bet I don't get it. I just asked him what he was getting me and he said "I don't know. What do you want? You've got a list, haven't you? Send it to me." Typical ;)



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I'm so glad to hear you all love it, I was meaning to ask for more reviews... I ordered Artistic Pursuits last month but haven't started yet. Their website is not aesthetically pleasing or easy to use, so I was a little apprehensive, hehe. I have "The Way They See It" and Book One (blue one). I think I'll pick up Book Two and Three by fall. Can't wait to use it.


It arrived one day after ordering! (I live close to the company.)

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