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Atkins Induction stage and vacation? Can it really be done?

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I will be doing the induction stage starting tomorrow. However we will be leaving for vacation July 6. I am really worried that I will not make it since I do not want to have to start over if I failed esp while on vacation.


I have read some tricks to eating out. However no tricks for vacationing. We will be staying at a lodge with dh's parents and one of his brother and his family. Talk about a full house. I plan on bringing two coolers one with milk that my dh can drink without hurting him and the other cooler will have foods that needs to be kept cold. A grocery sack with non-cold food. We do plan on going out but I do not want to cook much there since if I cook I will be expected to cook for all. I plan on cooking ahead as much as possible.


So I am wondering if it is doable to do Atkins induction while on vacation? We will be going to branson. I know all of the restaurants are very carb laden. sigh... I think I know my way around that.



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You can do it!!! I'm sure most restaurants have salads or some side vegetable. Eat the burger minus the bun. Get the steak. Keep some hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for snacking and some nuts on hand. Think about all the yummy breakfast food you can have. You'll be so encouraged if you do this on vacation. Plus, think about how many extra calories you'd be eating if you just let yourself have one last hurrah.


Good luck and happy vacation!!

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At least if you start now you will be over the headache part by the time vacation starts. I tried Atkins three times. Since I turned out to be one of the folks who couldn't have more than a mere 20 grams of carbs before going ot of ketosis, i just could not do it.


You could always just eat sensibly on vacation and wait until afterwards to start Atkins. That might help you both enjoy vacation more (who needs relatives poo-poohing Atkins - it WILL happen) and be more apt to stay on the diet and be successful at it.

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I have done Atkins and remember well that there was a mental component that would be extremely challenging and difficult when faced with restaurant eating every single day. You may be very different than I am, but I could not do Induction during a vacation. It would be different if you'd been on program longer, but Induction can be stressful. I think I would personally rather make some clear dietary rules to follow from now until the vacation is over, and then begin Induction as soon as I am home again.


Clear rules could include eating one (or perhaps two) completely carb-free meals a day, limited or no sugar and x amount of water per day. I would make these rules and follow them exactly. This would help keep the attitude in place, encourage strong discipline and get started with the Atkins style, but would not make you completely miserable during your vacation.


FWIW, that would be my best advice.




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DH says I should start now. Going partial is not what I am good at. It is either Cold Turkey or business as usual. I agree. If I get the headaches I rather it comes now instead of then.


My concern is the snack options are very slim. I am not even allowed nuts during induction(I love Macadamia nuts!! yummy). All I need to loose is 20 pounds then I can go on maintenance or Atkins life (can't remember what it is called --haven't read the book that far yet).


I can handle eating meat all the time because I love it. I am very limited on fish. I can't have any white fish in any form. I can have shell fish. White fish is what my body rejects. If I put it in my mouth, my throat start closing up. I can have salmon though. Orange roughy... and that is about it. Catfish makes me gag as well.


I love steak, chicken and Lamb. No pork for me. (it gives me severe intestinal pain).


I am wondering about the snacks. I am still trying to wrap my head around that. sigh! I wish I started this 2 weeks ago.



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A snack that traveled well for me was rolled meat and cream cheese.

Salami or other deli meat spread with cream cheese and topped with a dill pickle. I then rolled them up and sliced into bites. Carry the in a ziploc bag in a cooler....they keep for several days.

INdividual cheese sticks or sometimes you can find them in squares.

any raw veggies are fine.


I didn't find it terribly hard to eat out..especially if you like salad and steak. Avoid the bread, eat big salads, ask for extra vegetables instead of the potatoe. Hamburgers without the bun..just eat with a fork.


You will be fine!

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