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Question about LA for my 8 year old


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I am trying to choose a spelling program for my dd for next year. She is 8 and she is doing 4th grade work. Although her Grammar seems to be right on track, her reading comprehension and spelling are very advanced. I am looking for suggestions for Language Arts for the upcoming year. She is reading (and has excellent comprehension) at a 7th grade level, and her spelling (according to the Phonetic Spelling placements) is at a high school level. I want to get her fun, age appropriate things (and 4th grade grammar), but need the challenge of a higher level for Reading and Spelling...any ideas??

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You'll probably need to use different materials for each thing. I like the CLE grammar (language arts), and ACE's Etymology is very good for vocabulary building. Webster's speller will probably be a goood choice for spelling because it's not really limited; ElizabethB has a link to that in her sig. For reading, I would suggest selecting a list of perhaps ten or twelve books on her reading level and looking for study guides (or create your own) to go with each one.


My DD is younger than yours, but this is basically what we're doing for her. For reading we're going to read each book and then discuss what she's read, and maybe do some kind of project with each. The CLE LA combines spelling and such at the lower grades, so you may have a few things you can skip in each lesson if you choose to use another program for spelling/vocab, but because it's inexpensive it shouldn't be difficult for you to do so.

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Yes, I would drop "spelling" in favor of root study and "vocabulary" if she is a good speller.


My dd is not advanced in spelling (at all!), but otherwise sounds similar to your dd. We're going to use a combination of JAG and Editor in Chief for grammar next year. As far as reading, we don't use a formal program. I have a few formal "comprehension guides" that we'll use, plus I plan to use some of the suggestions in Deconstructing Penguins to guide discussion. I think she can work at a higher "level" when I keep it oral vs. requiring further writing.


You didn't mention writing, but we're using Writing Tales Level Two.

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Yes, I would drop "spelling" in favor of root study and "vocabulary" if she is a good speller.


Any suggestions on a 'roots' type of study?


Thanks for the suggestions so far:) I am researching each one, so any other ideas or suggestions are welcome!!

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Any suggestions on a 'roots' type of study?


I picked up Vocab from Classical Roots 4 at the local homeschool store on more or less a whim, and it looks pretty good, though you could easily do book 4 and book 5 in a year (there are just 16 lessons in each). I keep eyeing "Rummy Roots" but we have sooo many games already. :)

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