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how much do you spend on groceries per person

how much do you spend on groceries per person  

  1. 1. how much do you spend on groceries per person

    • $ 50-100
    • $ 100-150
    • $ 150-200
    • $ 200-250
    • $ 250-300
    • $ 300-350

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I voted 150-200, probably closer to the lower end of this. We are a family of three, we get take out about 2x per week, my dh eats lunch out about 1x per week, and we go out to eat about 2x per month. We also have a big dog and a fat cat, which I did not factor in.

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It depends on the week for us. We try not to eat out and I try to budget carefully. We are a family of 4 and I try to spend less than $100 a week including dd diapers for all of our groceries. If we eat out it is just over $100 a week to $150 a week spent.

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