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What is your favorite Children's version of The Odyssey?


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I'm thinking about our literature studies selections for this year. Right now I'm considering D'Aulaire's Book of Norse Myths, a more in-depth study of the Old Testament, and The Odyssey. Which version do you like for the third to fifth grade age range? Also, if you have any other suggestions for literature, I would welcome them! Thanks.

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For us it would be a toss-up between Sutcliff and Padraic Colum.



:iagree: My 3rd grader was more into Sutcliffe (the pictures are beautiful and the writing less cumbersome). My ds (4th grade) loved Sutcliffe last year but LOVED Padraic Colum this year.

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Rosemary Sutcliffe's version with gorgeous Alan Lee illustrations! My dd loved this.


I wholeheartedly agree. My dd and I both loved this!


She also really liked the Mary Pope Osborne 6-book series of The Odyssey. She read these on her own. They're much better than MPO's "Magic Tree House" books, too.


Thanks for mentioning these!

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Our favorite is the Geraldine McCaughrean version:


Puffin paperback:



Illustrated hardcover:



Some reviews from Amazon:


5.0 out of 5 stars, January 15, 2001

By elisa carlson (Seattle, WA USA)

Homer restored to his rightful place as serious competition for Pokemon, dinosaurs, ghost stories, Robin Hood, and piratical history! I am no classical scholar, as is obvious from that last sentence, but I am a mom who reads alot to her children and I've a working understanding of Homer's poetic tale, The Odyssey. Ms. McCaughrean's version was gripping! We had a very hard time putting it down the first time, and on our second read through we just kept going until the end! This book enthralled a 7 and a 4, while remaining as true to the text as I've seen yet in a children's version (slight editing may be required for the very squeamish or quite young.) My children acted the tale out on their own when we were through and held impromptu literary discussions for days afterwards. Like Bible stories, Greek myths have been done a thousand times over for children. Before you set off to wade through to find the diamonds, take my word for it that this is definitely one of them. Also, her collection of classic mythical stories is recommended although, dare I say it, this is even better than that.


4.0 out of 5 stars All the Hits, December 2, 2004

By Michael S. Mahoney "Gruffybear" (Goshen, Kentucky, USA)

For young readers not yet ready to tackle Homer in translation this prose version is a superb introduction to the epic's most stirring episodes. McCaughrean writes in an alliterative prose which honors the poetry of the original. She pumps new life into the tangle with the Cyclops, the lure of the Sirens, and the final smackdown on Ithaca when a weathered Odysseus teaches the loutish suitors a thing or two. Seventh graders here have really warmed to this commendable retelling. Our ancient history curriuculum has certainly benefitted from its inclusion.

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Padraic Colum ! ! !


Some of the illustrations in the Sutcliff versions are too intense, for some young children. (obviously not for all)


Mostly, though, we were so impressed by the Colum's text. (and we are Sutcliff fans, big time, for the "Britain" books)

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