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Cracked tooth

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After reading the root canal thread I am :eek::ohmy::crying: I have been having sensitivity in two of my back teeth and saw a dentist on Wednesday. Both have cracks in them and he is going to remove the old filling, the cracked area and fill in with porcelain. He said it wont be a full crown though ? He uses some new procedure so it's a one day process, which is a blessing. I think?


I am waiting for insurance approval but it is sensitive so I don't want to wait to long. But I am SO nervous! I have to force myself to get my teeth cleaned I do no like dentist lol. What kind of pain am I looking at? Do they give gas to adults? :D Any other words of advice?

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You've had ten kids, get the tooth fixed as soon as you can. Like the children, the pain is worth it.


I can't speak of the pain, because I didn't get mine fixed in time and over the course of a few months have ended up loosing half a molar. Same situation as you, old filling, blah, blah, blah. Except there wasn't a lot of sensitivity involved.


I wish I had had it fixed when it first happened. We've since switched insurance and are without dental right now.

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After reading the root canal thread I am :eek::ohmy::crying: I have been having sensitivity in two of my back teeth and saw a dentist on Wednesday. Both have cracks in them and he is going to remove the old filling, the cracked area and fill in with porcelain. He said it wont be a full crown though ? He uses some new procedure so it's a one day process, which is a blessing. I think?


I am waiting for insurance approval but it is sensitive so I don't want to wait to long. But I am SO nervous! I have to force myself to get my teeth cleaned I do no like dentist lol. What kind of pain am I looking at? Do they give gas to adults? :D Any other words of advice?



Yes, they do give gas to adults.....unfortunately OUR insurance doesn't cover it when it's not "medically necessary" or whatever there phrasing for it is. My dentist fought with them on my behalf. I get so agitated when I'm in the dental chair, cry, etc....he is truly worried about me, lol. When the insurance wouldn't agree to pay he offered it to me at cost, which was about half, but it was still quite expensive, but well worth it because I actually went through with the procedure. I just wish I had taken care of my teeth earlier in my life to not have all this potential pain ahead of me. But, I only went to the dentist when absolutely necessary.


My kids, on the other hand, amazingly almost "enjoy" going to the dentist every 6 months. This office has a special dentist that does kids and he is just wonderful with them. Wish they'd let me see him.


Do what it takes to get the work done....believe me, losing half a tooth is really bad.

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I have 5 crowns (two were from accidents).....3 of my molars are crowned due to CRACKED TEETH. It is no big deal really.....they numb you up....and (for me) they ground down my tooth....and capped it. It sounds like your procedure won't be near as bad.....(not that mine was bad....but they did have to grind down my tooth...although I felt NO PAIN, lol).


Good luck.....and really....dont' worry!

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Like another poster, I have had LOTS of work done on my teeth, so I just want to encourage you. You will be numb and won't feel a thing!


As for gas, I haven't used it, but we did "purchase" it for my dd when she had 4 permanent teeth pulled before she got braces. Of course, they numbed her, too, but in the end we were so glad we did it. She's not afraid of the dentist, but it took 1.5 hours total and it took a lot to get those teeth out, so it was worth it. It did cost about $100, though.

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Something I started doing when I have to have dental work done is to ask the dentist (every single time, as I sit down in the chair - so's he won't forget ;)) to give me the maximum amount of novacaine. This keeps me out of pain and also reminds him (in a roundabout way) that I'm one of his more cowardly (?) patients. Maybe it would work for you?


Also, I start praying about all my dental appointments about a month ahead of time. And I pray all the way to the office on the day of the appointment. And I try to have a few verses in my head as he's doing the work. I repeat them over and over while consciously telling my tense body to relax at the same time.


Can you tell I hate to go to the dentist? :blush: Fortunately, I haven't passed on my fears to any of our dc.




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