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Give me ideas for things to do during the times we're home this summer

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This is why I don't like summer. We get off of our regularly scheduled life. I lose track of time and look up to see I've not done much and neither have my kids. We're in TX so it is blazing hot, and my kids wind up watching more tv, playing more video games, and playing on the computer more than I want them to. I ultimately beat myself up and am hating myself and frustrated with my kids when we're home too much. Yes, they should be creative with their time, but sometimes they just aren't. We've been busy up until this week, and next week we don't have much either...I've got to break this cycle before it really gets started. This is day 3 for us of the extreme heat and laziness. I'm already worn out from it!!


I just sent them on a scavenger hunt in the woods. Before that we played Pictureka. Give me some ideas, please, for things to do, especially FREE things!!

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This may not be what you want to hear, but we are doing extreme cleaning. The heat is unbearable for us here too in east texas and esp. running errands etc. I am emptying out one room at a time into the garage (except for big furn) and wiping walls, shelves etc and putting back only what I love/need over the next week to two weeks. Everyone is helping. I have a teenager, two toddlers and am expecting so I don't get alot done at one time, but we are making progress. They are not getting bored and I am winning the war on the what can we do today feeling. I did buy new play-doh, sewing projects for dd15 and snacks that we don't normally have.


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I research the offerings in our city and near by cities that I'm willing to drive to. We participate in the library summer reading program. As part of that program, they offer a wide variety of children's entertainment events, of which we attend many. These range from children's musicians to The Noise Guy to the Reptile Man to puppet shows. Our parks department and the parks department of a nearby town both offer outdoor free concerts and movies (on big blow-up screens) each week. One of them also has children's entertainment on a different day of the week. We visit the spraygrounds and wading pools that are free. There are festivals that we pack a lunch for and attend for the entertainment venue, kids craft, and browsing. You have to be prepared to be attempted to spend at these. Regal Cinemas has free family films during the summer; this year there are several movies that we haven't seen but are interested in. We eat right before going so we don't feel the need to buy concesssions. We go to the park a lot.


At home, we make homemade Orange Julius drinks and other cool snacks, play in the sprinkler, and (this year) play with the neighborhood kids.

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Ages: 14dd (who really is pretty good at managing her time, etc.), 11yods, 5yods, 3yods.


Also, what are things you do AT HOME. We have this week and next week free, then two weeks in July. The cleaning thing is just what I'm wanting to do, so I'm glad there is someone else who is doing the same. I want some boy ideas for things at home, particularly. They're playing Legos right now, which is good.

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We are in TX, too so I know what you mean about the heat.


My kids are really close in age so if we don't have some type of schedule tempers flare by late afternoon. We follow a schedule M-TH:

10am -noon - community center, swim laps and play in the water.

noon to 2:30 - lunch then quiet time, read or draw.

2:30-4 - game time, computers, playstation, board or card games, puzzle or watch a movie.

4-8 house open to the neighbors or kids go over to friends house.


Friday is open and they can do whatever they want. Sometimes we go on outings.


I use a morning routine and I do it in the same order every morning. So even if the day gets away from me I know by 10am I have laundry and a few chores done.

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My goal is to have at least one or two fun/new ideas to offer to the kids each day--I've gathered ideas in different categories (such as arts & crafts, cooking & baking, outside water play, physical, science experiements, alone time, games together, etc) and what I'm trying to do is make sure I have the supplies on hand so that this is easier for me to do. In my ideal world, I'd have a time set apart for each of these categories, plan by the week, and have everything ready.


I checked out a few books from the library for fun 'TV-free' activities to do with the kids. Here are a few ideas:


My lists include--

Arts & Crafts--clay, playdoh, scrapbook, jewelry, cross-stitch, rug hooking, card making, paint rocks, make potholders, origami, sewing, build structures with gumdrops & toothpicks, edible necklaces, collage/diorama, illustrate a story, thread-spool puppets, create a city with boxes/road/cars/little people, create a zoo, create a marble raceway (using cardboard, paper towel tubes, etc).


Cooking & Baking--rice krispie treats, fruit kabobs, fruit pizza, smoothies, jello cups, mini pizzas, pretzels, ice cube popsicles


Water Play--sprinklers, hose on playset slide into little pool, water balloons, kickball w/little pools as bases, water balloon volleyball, watergun fight, water relay races, sponge tag, bike wash


Physical--dance to music, aerobic video, walk, bike ride, rollerblades, hike on trail, croquet at the park, frisbee golf, treasure hunt, crab soccer, hopscotch, relay races, tag, jumprope


Creative Together Play--store, bank, circus, library, restaurant, zoo, veterinary clinic, garage sale, space ship, fire station--but these kinds of things always end up making the house a disaster! :)


Hope some of these ideas help.

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