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Can we talk about kid's digital cameras?

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My almost 9 yr old wants a digital camera, and I am planning to get her one for her birthday in August. See this thread.


I know that once my other two see it, they will start asking for one, and so I thought I would go ahead and plan to get them one later, maybe for Christmas. I know it's early to think Christmas, but I start my shopping early!


So my other two will be 6.75 and 4 at Christmas. I've looked at the Fisher Price kid's digital camera, it's cute. The reviews on Amazon are just ok. I don't expect great photos from a kid's camera, but I want it to be better than ok for the price of $60.00. Maybe I'm expecting too much. So does anyone have any experience with this one or another kid's camera? I'm thinking about getting the 6.75 year old a "real" digital camera actually. I think she will be fine with it. And I can get a pretty nice little point and shoot for a little more. But the 4 year old, no way. She needs something tougher!


Thanks for any help!

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I have the fisher price digital camera. Or, more specifically, my 5yo does. :) He got it when he was 3. The advantage of it is that it can take the 972 times it will get dropped on the kitchen floor or sidewalk. I do download pictures from it to save occasionally - some aren't bad - some are pretty dark. We delete most pictures, but like I said, we save some.



For $60 I would rather have bought him an inexpensive real camera - but it would have been long broken by now. So I'm content with the fisher price one. We've been using it 2 1/2 years now.


Oh - btw - it eats batteries like candy. :glare:

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My 4yo has the Fisher Price camera. It's okay, but as a previous poster said, it eats the batteries. It specifically says not to use rechargeable batteries, too. I tried them anyway, and they do not work so it gets expensive changing the batteries.


My dd seems to like the camera and it fits her purposes, but it annoys me because the flash rarely goes off unless you have brand new batteries in the camera. It also takes time between each picture for the flash to charge as well so most of dd's pictures are too dark. She has fun with it though, but not very many of the pics turn out.

Edited by laf512
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I know different families handle these things differently, but I think sometimes there just have to be some special things to look forward to about getting older.


I would probably try to go this route, too, and save the money to go towards a real digital camera. I toyed around with the idea of a kid's digital camera for a couple of years, but because of the reviews, just never could bring myself to spend the money on them. We just bought both kids a Powershot A470 (different colors) and the cost was not much more than the kid's cameras.

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I have tried many many different kids digital cameras and have ended up taking all of them back to the store. The photo quality is horrible. Just horrible. So I found a cheap digital camera on craigslist for my then-4-year-old and got her that. Works much better. The only advantage to the kids digital cameras are the dropablity factor. But the pictures are terrible. If you do not care about the photo quality and just think the kids will want to be like their older sibling, then Disney makes some $30 kids digital cameras with characters and stuff on them that would be cute. Bad photo quality, but that may not matter if the kids just want to be like their sibling.

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I would probably try to go this route, too, and save the money to go towards a real digital camera. I toyed around with the idea of a kid's digital camera for a couple of years, but because of the reviews, just never could bring myself to spend the money on them. We just bought both kids a Powershot A470 (different colors) and the cost was not much more than the kid's cameras.


We have two of these! I got my dd (8) an orange one and her brother (11) a blue one. It was a first camera for both. I really hesitated to get one for dd as she's not always the most careful kid. She's very protective of it, and takes more pics than her big brother.


My mom bought a blue one too after looking at ours.


ETA: Amazon only has these from third party sellers now and they cost WAY more. I wonder why? The orange one went up to $233! I paid about $90.

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Thanks for sharing!



I know different families handle these things differently, but I think sometimes there just have to be some special things to look forward to about getting older.


You are very right. This is something I really need to think about. Thank you!

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