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SWB recommendation: Voyages in English


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I read the article that Susan wrote comparing CM and the classical method. She briefly recommended Voyages in English as a viable option for grammar study. In WTM she also said Abeka and English for the Thoughtful Child. I am looking for something comprehensive, but more wkbook style and a bit more independent (just for this year). Voyages in English looks good, but has not been discussed much on this forum (although recommended by SWB).


Any thoughts? Like, dislike? Comparisons? Never heard of it? It is put out by Loyola Press www.loyolapress.com

Any thoughts are appreciated!

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I own the 2nd-8th grade levels of the 95 ed. of VIE. Any of the editions are basically the same. The only changes are mainly in library research (my books still have card catalogs in them!), pictures, and some of the stories. Content they stay essentially unchanged.


VIE is like any typical school textbook. The writing portions are fairly typical instructions with very pathetic assignments. The go through the basic fantasy, journal, newspaper, report, letter writing, character traits, book report type instruction.


The grammar is one concept at a time and it is not reviewed again until the end of the chpt. It does include good mechanics instruction.


I used them with my older kids. They taught me a lot of grammar! (I'm not sure about my kids, though!) I learned how to teach grammar better b/c of VIE though.


I would recommend looking for older editions. They are good for references even if you don't use them solely. Follett Educational Services usually has them quite cheap. I think I pd. about $25 for both student and teacher books when I bought mine umpteen yrs ago. I would suspect you could get the ~2000 ed for similar prices now.



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I thought they looked attractive and playful online. I am looking for a straightforward, but strong grammar for my 2nd and 3rd grade boys to do on the same level. I will be using WWE, so it is good to know SWB says to skip the writing portion. Where did you here her say to do that? I would like to read it, also. I don't want to do boring exercises, but short and sweet is good. I was a bit surprised that she suggested it.

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I looked at this recently - it seems the older editions can be had quite cheaply, but the newer editions are $$$ (which is why we passed on it). SWB qualifies the grammar stage recommendation of this series saying that you should skip the writing portion.

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I used it with my 3rd and 5th grader this year. We are not using it next year. It was not a good fit for us. My kids and I found it to be a bit dry.


What was it about the execises that you found to be dry? What were you looking for that you didn't find. Did you find it in another program?

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VIE looks neat, and like a good fit for ds. However, we're doing grammar CM style and won't be using VIE until ds is in 6th grade. That's the plan at least. We are, of course, free to deviate ;)

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