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Latin Prep and Cambridge??


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I really like the look of Latin Prep for my ds but I read on another thread that it would be good to supplement it with a reader. Would Cambridge fit this? What other resources would I need to implement Cambridge as a supplement to LP? i.e. teacher's manual, omnibus workbook???



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Latin Prep actually has a great deal of translation included. Certainly you *could* supplement with a reading-based program, but it's by no means necessary. Latin Prep includes many, many sentence translation exercises (Latin to English and English to Latin), and lots of longer translation passages based on Roman history and mythology that get progressively longer and more challenging throughout the course.

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I think the texts would be sufficient, if you mostly want to use it as a reader. I use CLC as a supplement for my own Latin studies and I only use the main texts. I just read through the stories (like reading a novel - no translations, or anything). I skim the grammar sections for anything new, and sometimes do the exercises in my head for practice. It's just a fun and relaxing (but amazingly effective) way to get some Latin reading practice in and consolidate skills - a bit of a break from my main program (LL), which requires a lot more concentration.

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DD is on the young side, so I'm having her use the two together to help keep a slow pace. We gave up waiting for new Lively Latin 2 Lessons, otherwise we would have continued with it. DD alternates chapters of Latin Prep with units of Cambridge Latin. We do use and like the Omnibus, but you could easily use just the online activities at the CSCP website. I introduce vocabulary flashcards for the next LP lesson while doing the Cambridge Unit, and the flashcards for Cambridge vocabulary during the following LP Chapter, though so far DD has had little new vocabulary after what she finished of LL2.

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We used Cambridge for several years, then switched to LP. We learn far more with LP, even though it was enjoyable to use Cambridge and it is good for the culture aspect, and the amount of vocabulary you absorb. We loved Cambridge. But we feel we learn Latin better with LP. LP doesnt need any supplementing- there is plenty of translating and reading.

It may have been one of my posts that mislead you into thinking one needed Cambridge as I often write about both. But LP definitely stands alone.

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