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What is it with girls, cattiness, and turning on their friends?

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Has anyone seen the recent reports on the Chicago teenagers where the girls beat up their friend, taped it, and put it on the internet? All over a boy? They beat her, chopped her hair off, & burned her with a cigarette lighter because one of the girls thought that she was dating her ex-boyfriend.


While I don't remember such extreme incidents from growing up, I do remember the spats and friends-no-more incidents that happened between the girls.


Why is it so much more prevalent among girls? You don't really hear about groups of boys doing that. Do you? Have I missed it?


As a mom of 2 dd's, this phenomenon makes me sad.

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I really believe it's a lack of a moral compass. I was watching *Dateline* and was overwhelmed that while I understood both sides of the problem between the man and the couple he had a problem with, that their short-sitedness...and selfishness was the root of the problem.

They were selfish....short-sided (who cares who dates whom in jr high??). 'All of them will carry scars from this for life.

They also should have been scared to be caught, as physical pain, if nothing else...should have scared them. Can you imagine if that was your daughter hurt, and you got the girls? I mean, we should all be nice...because it's right. BUT, if not that because someone's gonna get you.

Makes me wanna go hug my girls, and watch who they are with, but also not be prideful, and not think that it could be my kids being mean. People being mean...isn't something you can ignore. I really want to teach my children kindness. I'd just be beside myself if my kids ever were like that!


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It is so sad. Our family just joined our community pool. Boy, has that been an eye opener for me!! I am constantly overhearing the very young (8, 9, 10 even) girls remarking about how attractive some young boy is, which prompty leds to snarkiness between the girls as they argue over who he really likes the best. I've been watching the boys and I've seen that they seem embarressed by much of this and even seem to try to shun the girls, who are almost like predators. There seems to be so much competition between the girls and yes, I have heard many of them get in very heated exchanges.


I felt particularly sad for one little boy. I say little, he looked to be about the age of my oldest son who is 10. I heard a group of six girls suddenly yell out, "So and so is here!! Look, there he is!" Then, they began to argue over which one of them he thought was the cutest. I mean, really argueing. The boy had arrived with his mother and younger siblings and kept close to his mom but for the next hour or so, the girls were following them everywhere they went. The boy looked bothered by all the attention and the girls just kept on and on.


Eventually, the girls were all mad at each other and the boy left with his mom who seemed to have no clue what was being said about her son. It really made me shudder. I mean, these were young girls. I don't know what their attitudes and behavior may be like in a few years.

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A guy friend was jumped in a parking lot by 3-4 guys for some minor thing he'd done (don't remember what it was). He was beat up badly enough to dislocate his shoulder.


There was the occasional "girl fight" in the hallway, but I don't remember anything as bad as that. Those almost always involved some dating relationship, so I think maybe the violence has just escalated. It's a sad, sad thing.

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One of the "nice Xian" homeschooling girls made sure to call my dd an ugly name quietly, in public, with a smile on her face, at a dance with a bunch of other nice Xian homeschooling kids. It reallly shook my dd because it was ugly and done in such a 2-faced way. The same girl is super friendly to my oldest dd and to me, going so far as to hugging us. The only thing we can figure out is it's over a boy this other girl "claimed" whom my dd was friends with before she moved here.


And I'll add, as the mom of a cute 14 yo ds I've seen total pre-pubescent female strangers come up to him in the grocery store and wiggle thier bods, try to flirt with him. It's bizarre. He just walks on, or gives his little sis a piggy back ride. The moms are just a few feet away, totally ignoring the suggestive ways thier dd's are moving.

Edited by laughing lioness
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And I'll add, as the mom of a cute 14 yo ds I've seen total pre-pubescent female strangers come up to him in the grocery store and wiggle thier bods, try to flirt with him. It's bizarre. He just walks on, or gives his little sis a piggy back ride. The moms are just a few feet away, totally ignoring the suggestive ways thier dd's are moving.


When my oldest was 11-12, we had older teens (and even young 20s) girls after him. They would flirt and carry on until I would look at them and say, "He's ELEVEN!":lol::lol: They would be mortified.


I am on facebook and my 16yo and his 18yo stepbrother are my friends, so I get to see some of the mess that goes on. Boys are just as bad as girls!

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