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Help me figure this out re NAHRS

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I have always wanted to enroll my youngest in NAHRS accredited program when they reached 9th grade.


My dear friend is adamant that there is no better chance of a college accepting their transcripts than my own. I disagree - I think that a high school would much more readily accept a NAHRS transcript than my own.


I have seen, year after year, homeschool moms turn away after fighting the local schools and losing because the schools shun homeschool transcripts.

The private school here straight out doesn't accept high school homeschool transcripts.


I am not planning on putting them in public or private high school - HOWEVER, should the opportunity arise - I want the prerogative.


... not to mention less struggle with potential colleges ...


What do you all know, or think, about this issue?



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I think it depends on what you're looking for, and what your kid wants to do in life.


There are a gazillion "accreditation" groups. There are local, regional, national, religious - you name it.


But good colleges only recognize a handful of them.


If you have an idea of where your kid wants to go to further their education, it would be wise to enquire as to which accreditations they recognize as valid (as opposed to diploma mills).


Interestingly, the best colleges in the nation don't appear to give a hoot about homeschool transcripts - they are even courting homeschoolers. If a private or public school is denying homeschoolers' transcripts, I'd have to say it isn't really a transcript issue, it's a "how can we deny a person and stay within the law so we don't lose any federal funding" issue.




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I have always wanted to enroll my youngest in NAHRS accredited program when they reached 9th grade.


My dear friend is adamant that there is no better chance of a college accepting their transcripts than my own. I disagree - I think that a high school would much more readily accept a NAHRS transcript than my own.


I have seen, year after year, homeschool moms turn away after fighting the local schools and losing because the schools shun homeschool transcripts.

The private school here straight out doesn't accept high school homeschool transcripts.


I am not planning on putting them in public or private high school - HOWEVER, should the opportunity arise - I want the prerogative.


... not to mention less struggle with potential colleges ...


What do you all know, or think, about this issue?




I'm not concerned about colleges, but I am considering high school for my dd in the future. I would rather her stay home, but she wants to go to high school, and I want to have our options open.


I am enrolling my dd in NARHS for 8th grade. She is doing algebra (actually started it in 7th grade), and some other high school level work, and I want her to get credit for it, just in case she goes to high school. Our high schools are very rigid about accepting credits from non-accredited schools. They won't even accept algebra credits from the very good private school down the road because they're not accredited. I can foresee that my dd could be finished with Algebra II by the end of 8th grade (we're doing Video Text). I don't want her to have to start over with Algebra I if she goes to high school in 9th.

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I'm not concerned about colleges, but I am considering high school for my dd in the future. I would rather her stay home, but she wants to go to high school, and I want to have our options open.


I am enrolling my dd in NARHS for 8th grade. She is doing algebra (actually started it in 7th grade), and some other high school level work, and I want her to get credit for it, just in case she goes to high school. Our high schools are very rigid about accepting credits from non-accredited schools. They won't even accept algebra credits from the very good private school down the road because they're not accredited. I can foresee that my dd could be finished with Algebra II by the end of 8th grade (we're doing Video Text). I don't want her to have to start over with Algebra I if she goes to high school in 9th.


I would suggest that you post the question on the high school board. There are a number of families there that have used various umbrella schools. I remember reading posts in the past with some favorable and some very unfavorable opinions of the actual services provided by different groups (for example, losing paperwork, not sending transcripts in a timely manner).

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This is what I found out....GA does not recognize NARHS, only regionally accredited schools. I have been looking for about an hour to try and find the link to the Dept of Ed site which shows which schools they will recognize....AO, ABeka, etc are recognized. I spoke to an official, that said GA only recognizes schools which have someone else testing the student. I know that there is a lady on this board who has sought and received accreditation for her own "homeschool", but I think that she might be on the Highschool Board. If you post on there, she might be able to help you.


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