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Has anyone used Click N Read Phonics available though the Homeschool Buyers Co-op?

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If so would you share if you liked or disliked this program and why? My 4 1/2 yo is really wanting to "do school" like big brother. He already knows all his letters and sound from watching Leap Frog videos. I am wondering if this might be a good next step for him. He really loves working on the computer.


Thanks so much!

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Eh, I didn't much like Click 'N Read. The voices annoyed me, and my daughter quickly lost interest.


Starfall is more interesting. Poisson Rouge is more fun, but not particularly educational.


Reading Eggs is a blast though. Super fun, lots of variety, cool Aussie accent, two week free trial, what's not to love? My daughter sped through the first 80 lessons; she was more than a little addicted. I'll subscribe again once they have more lessons up.


Maybe he'd have fun with a trial month of Time 4 Learning, also through Homeschool Buyer's Coop?

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My son liked it pretty well...I mean- it is school! So, it's not like he loved it like a non-school computer game, but he did like it better than the other phonics we were using at the time. It held his interest long enough to do a lesson or two per day. But you can't expect much more from a kid that age.


I liked it too. I felt it was very complete, but it moves on whether your dc masters the concept or not. But, as long as you check the progress report to know if they did well enough on a particular lesson or not, you have control of how fast or slow they go. I LOVED the reports it gave.


I feel it's worth the money and rather enjoyed the program overall.

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We used it and we liked it very much. It was very phonetic - very progressive and not too reliant on sight words. It moves pretty fast - the 100 lessons cover K-2nd grade. I like that it gives feedback and you can see where your kids strengths and weaknesses are. It's also a lifetime membership which you can transfer to another student (in or not in your family). So, if you have younger kids you can reuse it. My son was a very strong reader younger than he could write well - so it was a great fit for him. The only thing I don't like is the dictation and spelling sight words - mostly because he's a little young for that. But, it's easy to get over that for all the great parts of the program. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions (or if you buy from them and you want a discount code - which is really only an email address from someone who uses it but it gets you $10 off I think).

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Good to know, we've tried most of the above programs, but ended up with a ReadingEggs.com subscription I purchased just last week. We loved the trial, and just so you know, the payment is a bit less in US dollars than it says on their website, it was a nice surprise.

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