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Discouraged with math question

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Here I thought we were plugging along quite nicely. Huck is finishing up Singapore 6a. We've done the workbook, the extra practice, the intensive practice. He seemed to be getting it all. When he came to a really tough one, I'd help him out. I don't think I was helping him out too much but, apparently I may have been.

We have spent this week on general review tests. I didn't time him but he finished before the time limit anyway. The end result was at 48%. I cried. Not only did he fail, I did. So, I thought because the test was in the IP book, I'd print out the placement test on Singapore's site. Same result, almost exactly.

Singapore has always worked for this kid. He flew through the prior books with very few hiccups. The questions he missed were all word problems.



A fuel tank of a care is 80% full. After traveling some distance, only 30% of that fuel is left. The tank is then filled to its full capacity by putting in 19 gallons. What is the full capacity of the tank?


So, here is my desperate question. What do I do? I'm thinking I just want to start over with this semester. I'll buy all the books because Singapore has revamped their curriculum and just start again.

We are both frustrated and in tears which isn't a place I want to be. So for now (and until hear back from you) we're taking a break from math.

I really don't think I'm pushing too hard. And I've made that mistake before so I'm very aware of it. But I think he's over his head with this stuff.

Okay, Hive Mind, what are your ideas?

Thanks for the help!

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Take a deep breath! He's not failing and neither are you. It's the beginning of summer and no one wants to do school anymore. He could just be having a bad week. Perhaps he doesn't do well on tests.


If you take the summer off, take a breather on math and just do simple, fun math for a while. If you don't take the summer off, I would take a math break for a week or two.


Then, calmly assess his weaknesses. If you think that there is a specific area of weakness, like word problems, find another program that he can do instead of doing Singapore again. Let him feel the accomplishment of finishing SM 6A and move on to something else even if it is review. Alternatively, you could do the regular workbook only for 6B until it is finished and then start at the beginning with Intensive Practice.

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Thanks, Donelda. We school throughout the summer but I definitely intended on taking a math break for a couple weeks at least!

You do bring up some good points. We don't typically test in math although he does fine with Latin and spelling tests, etc. Maybe I need to start adding a few more math tests in our regular schedule to get him used to them.

I really think his only weakness is those tricky multiple step word problems. I see you use Singapore as well for your dd. Do you know of any other curriculum that would help strengthen those type of problem solving skills?

Thanks again for your input and reassurance. I get a bit panicky when I think I'm letting him down, which is how I felt today.

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You don't mention if you are using SM Challenging Word Problems. If you aren't, that would be my first suggestion. I haven't seen any other program with Singapore-like word problems. We are using Life of Fred because my dd loves reading far more than math. It doesn't have the same type of word problems, but it is good at using real-life problems. My dd's strong point is word problems, so I haven't had to struggle in that area.


On the other hand, we did have a point (around age 9), where she really slowed down in math. I tried not to panic (really, these kids are ahead of most of their peers), but I couldn't really see why she slowed down. Now, at 10, she has really matured and is doing well in math again.


Personally, I wouldn't add a lot more math tests right now. He might be feeling like he has let you down too. It's okay to keep it fun!

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You don't mention if you are using SM Challenging Word Problems. If you aren't, that would be my first suggestion. I haven't seen any other program with Singapore-like word problems. We are using Life of Fred because my dd loves reading far more than math. It doesn't have the same type of word problems, but it is good at using real-life problems. My dd's strong point is word problems, so I haven't had to struggle in that area.


Personally, I wouldn't add a lot more math tests right now. He might be feeling like he has let you down too. It's okay to keep it fun!




My ds recently finished 6a and 6b, and I personally haven't seen any problems like some of the ones in there in any other program. I haven't actually looked at that many programs, but they are unusual.


I think taking a break and trying again sounds like a good plan. I would work through one or two of the problems with my ds, and then have him do the others on his own. I haven't actually given my ds any math tests. Now I'm thinking maybe I need to do so! :001_huh:

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Thanks for the input gals. It's reassuring to hear that your dd slowed down at 9, Donalda. Perhaps it's a milestone thing. We do use CWP and it's hit or miss. I think I'll take the rest of the summer off of math and do math puzzles and things with him and then repeat 6a when we start a new year in August.

I think I freak out easily. LOL Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart! It's just that I can't ask most other moms what to do when my son, who's almost 4 years ahead in math BTW, is hitting a road block. Most people would say, eh, let him relax because he's so far ahead. While I agree with that to a certain extent, boredom creeps in and I just can't handle that!

Thanks again, girls. You've lightened my heart.

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OK, look.....you need some perspective here. That is hardly failing by Singapore Math standards. Have you checked out the grading scale? 50% is a C. So you son is really pretty close to a perfectly good passing grade. They make the math *hard* on purpose to challenge kids. They don't expect kids to get them all right. So I guess the question is...what grade are you hoping for? If you expect him to pass everything with a particular letter grade, then make sure that you aren't using the typical American grading scale. Use the grading scale they post on the website. OTOH, he may need brushing up on a few things. This is certainly no disaster, though :o).




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It's not unusual for a dc to sail along and then suddenly hit a spot like this. I think your plan of starting 6A again in August sounds very good. If you don't already draw what you know with them, incorporate it. I have one who hated drawing what she knew, but when she got stumped with a word problem and I drew that bar diagram, voila, it became easy for her.


You may wish to add something else, too. This has worked well for us. I don't mean something else the same (like the CWP, which we have, too), but something else altogether. Sometimes adding that fresh way of looking at math can really help. A couple of free options are CSMP and MEP.

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we aren't using Singapore but the problem was about the same. He seemed to do fine on chapter problems, I'd help him by questioning him so he could figure out those he had problems on, then I'd give him the test on what I thought he understood and he'd bomb.


My thoughts were:


1. He doesn't understand the material at all, really.

2. He gets uptight at the thought of a test (even though I only give tests so I can see where the kids need help)

3. A combo of 1 and 2.


I decided that a complete review of all the material was probably not necessary so we went back to where it seemed like he had stumbling blocks. He and I discussed the thinking behind the problems, I had him outline the steps and copy rules from the book and definitions that might be helpful, and had him work a lot more of those types of problems. It took a little longer this year to finish his math text but I know he has a complete and thorough understanding now.


Is your son tackling the problems in an incorrect way, not thinking through them clearly, or making silly mistakes? Knowing the root of the problem will help you find how to go about fixing it. Silly mistakes/sign errors/etc...just mean he needs to be more careful and maybe needs to learn how to review his work to see if his answers work or make sense.


Not understanding how to go about solving the problems may require giving him more practice and/or teaching him how to think about those types of problems which is a little more time intensive.

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Kalah, I think the most important thing is for you to try not to lose sleep over this. (And I know you are, so don't even try to pretend you're not! ;) )


You've probably done nothing wrong, and Huck probably knows a lot more than the tests are showing. He's probably a little burned out from the pace, and just needs to relax a bit, and have a nice, stress-free vacation from math (and probably from school in general.) Once he's had a break, I'm sure the math will start clicking for him again. We all hit a wall sometimes, and taking a break can make such a huge difference, because once we feel like we don't know something, or we start thinking it's too difficult, it's not easy to get our confidence back, and a little vacation can often make all the difference in the situation. All of a sudden, we look at the same information and a lightbulb goes on, and it all makes sense.


But please don't blame yourself. I do that all the time, and it doesn't help solve anything. Take a rest (you need a break, too!) and then give the math another try. You could also switch to a difference curriculum for a while -- maybe something fun like Life of Fred.


Good luck! :001_smile::grouphug:



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