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Teaching good Habits

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"Habit, in the hands of the mother, is as his wheel to the potter, his knife to the carver - the instrument by means of which she turns out the design she has already conceived in her brain." (vol. 1, p. 97) Charlotte Mason


"The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days." (vol. 1, p. 136) Charlotte Mason



Been doing some reading. . . :D. Feeling a mite convicted though.


What design have you conceived for your children? What pains are you taking to teach these good habits to your kiddos?


I've been convicted about making sure I'm a good example of good habits first.

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It is hard... huh? Yep... it starts with me.


For general habits (nonspecific) in daily life, I think having a routine goes a long way. When children have repetition and a schedule it teaches them daily disciplines without them even knowing it!


For specific habits that need worked on, I have worked with younger children in a fun way I read about in a book (can't remember the book, but the author had a large family!)... set up "training" and have the child practice a good habit. I've done this a few times. Sometimes we've gone through the house, room by room and I've taught "how and why" and given them reasons as to what we do and don't do in that room...


Other than that, I really like the recent "do over" suggestions from here! I have been using "do over" with a few children who have just not had good practice with basic manners... "Johnny, you don't push through people, you say excuse me, nicely... back up and do this over" or "Johnny, get up and leave the table and then lets do this over... you are not having nice table manners at all"

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I've been convicted about making sure I'm a good example of good habits first.



I think this is the key.


I am also of the mind-set of doing things at the same time every day. I think some people are more "habit minded" than others. Some people like routine and others don't.


I have also pounded the following mantra into my son's head: work before play. He often grew weary of hearing it, but it has been effective.

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