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Totally Mushy Thread

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Okay, how about a totally mushy thread. We can share the most mundane things we're thankful for or what someone has done or whatever.


This came about because of my hubby this morning.


I am VERY anxious about today's doctor's appointment. I'll spare you all that. Anyway, I told hubby that I wanted to use the good car today. The reasons aren't really important. Just I really preferred it today. He left me the good car :) It means more to me than he can possibly know.


Also, I told him to think about me today that I'm gonna try to get her (doc) to "get it." He basically told me to MAKE her get it. It just means a lot that he is on my side, wants me to get help, and believes I CAN make her understand.


Maybe I'm just extra emotional today but I SO appreciate hubby's support!

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:grouphug: I'm so thankful for my children. I had a pretty rough upbringing and never thought I would be able to have children because I was so convinced that I would be a horrible mom if I did. I never wanted them because I was so afraid of this and my psychologist at the time basically fed those beliefs by saying that unless I "worked on myself" I would be a bad mother. (I think he had a steady paycheck in mind). Well, God is good and He is more powerful than circumstances and He apparently has A LOT of faith in me (or a really good sense of humor) because I have two special needs kids that I love and adore. My son totally melts my heart, because he cannot speak (Autism), but when I look at his face I can see his love for me shining in his eyes. He loves to have cuddles and always wants me to look into his face. If I look away at something, he will pull my face back to look at him. Ay, he's so sweet! :)

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Thanks for starting this -


You know, I am SO thankful for my husband. I guess that sounds trite, or whatever, but he is SUCH a different man than the one I married. God has done an amazing, amazing work in his life. . . . . . and his dedication to us, working out of state to support us in a job he really doesn't like . . . . .well, it's just humbling, that's all.

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I go to the movies by myself on a week evening about 2X a month. I just love movies and it is my little get away. The other day, I had just finished cleaning up the kitchen after dinner and I sat down in my chair for a rest. I had put off my evening barn chores. I said, "I think I will get my chores done and then hit the movies tonight." Then I fell asleep. A bit later, when I woke up, I was so disapointed that I didn't have time to do my barn chores, get a shower and then get to the theater, but really, no big deal, there's always tomorrow. My hubby, who works very hard all day insisted that I get into the shower and that he would do my chores for me. He kept saying, "Just get in there, take a quick shower and you will make it. I'll do the chores." I tried to tell him no, but he insisted. OMG, what an awesome guy!

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This morning my hubby didn't have work because he had to go to some continuing education classes this afternoon. He got up with the kids, brought them to me for a morning cuddle, fed the kids, made coffee and emptied the dishwasher. THEN he actually made my coffee and brought it to me after letting me sleep another hour!!! What a sweet man!

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A total stranger.


I was getting a root canal on Monday, and I had a seizure during the procedure. The dental tech had apparently been keeping an eye on me, recognized the signs of what was happening, and got everything out of my mouth faster than I thought possible. Then she maneuvered me out of the chair, down the hall, and to the potty so I wouldn't make a mess of myself. Then she sat with me, stroking my hand, until I could function again.


Apparently, she had to have her thyroid removed due to cancer, and while the docs were getting her meds right, she had several seizures, so she knew what to look for.


I don't even know her whole name, only that she's in the middle of a nasty divorce and is temporarily losing two of her kids to their dad.


All I could think (when I could think) was "your life is going down the tubes, but you cared enough to keep an eagle eye on me." Wow.




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Another one here thankful for my sweet, wonderful dh. He never thought about having dc, would have been fine to not have dc, yet out of love for me (and of course his love for his dc) he has continued to be open to what God gives us. And, when I was pg w/#7 I was embarrassed by my "pooch", but he patted my belly and said, "This is our baby, and I love it." When I cried and said that I would still have a pooch and not be pg he replied, "I love that pooch as well because it is the indictor of the babies we have." He's a keeper.

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