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Could you pray for my husband's helper -- suicidal

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My husband's helper came by today trying to get an extra paycheck (by claiming that his other was washed in the washing machine. Come to find out, his dad is keeping his paycheck to pay his bills.


He was talking about how he just wanted to end it all. He called his mom and said the same thing.

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Someone must strong arm that poor soul to the ER ,no police, as suicide by cop is a very common way to get the pain over with. I am so sorry and of course will pray for the young man, his family who has tried to "manage "his disease to no avail and for your bone weary dh who is trying to help this young man. They will keep him for a 24 hour hold and at least he will be evaluated for his substance abuse and suicidality. It is not much but it is the best our broken system has to offer. I am so sad to hear that events are unfolding in this way. It is scary, hurtful and makes us painfully aware that ultimately we cannot control the behaviour of others no matter how noble and virtous our own intentions.I have been where his loved ones are and the hospital is where he needs to be.

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He will be in my thoughts and prayers




My husband's helper came by today trying to get an extra paycheck (by claiming that his other was washed in the washing machine. Come to find out, his dad is keeping his paycheck to pay his bills.


He was talking about how he just wanted to end it all. He called his mom and said the same thing.

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My husband's helper came by today trying to get an extra paycheck (by claiming that his other was washed in the washing machine. Come to find out, his dad is keeping his paycheck to pay his bills.


He was talking about how he just wanted to end it all. He called his mom and said the same thing.



Please pay attention to the warning signs. He or She may just need you to just talk or listen to them. I lost a friend 9 days ago to suicide! It was a total shock and didn't see it coming. If only there was something I could have done or said that might have helped them feel better or made them change their mind. He may still be here!

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Thank you. He is into drugs, alcohol, has been arrested several times, etc.


His girlfriend is pregnant, and now he just wants to run.


We talked with him for over 30 minutes today, but he left upset when I told him to bring me the check that went through the washer and I would write him a new check. After talking to his Dad, we found out that was a made-up story.


He drove himself to the local psych. clinic, but turned around and left. We have not heard from him since.

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