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How to speed up compost?

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Turn it with a pitchfork every few days. From what I've read online, the pile will heat up, then begin to cool down, and that's when you turn it, so it'll heat up again. I believe turning it also serves to aerate it.


ETA: I have a compost tumbling bin, and although I'm far from experienced with it, I have noticed that when I grab handfuls of grass clippings from our compost heap next to it, it's quite warm inside the pile.

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There is a great book about composting called Let it Rot by Stu Cambell. I found it a the local library, but then bought my own copy. It tells you everything you ever wanted to know about composting.


You don't want to turn the pile too often, or you will slow down the breakdown of material. Gardening Momma was right when she said to turn it when it begins to cool down. That time frame varies with the size of your pile, the time of year, the contents of your compost, etc. Once you have a pile that is large enough and "cooking", start a new pile. Continue to turn the old pile when it cools down and you will soon have usable compost. In the book, the author mentions having piles at different stages so you are not adding new material to a pile that is almost ready.


Making dirt is almost as exciting as growing vegetables! :)

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