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Co-ops...Let's talk different kinds of Co-ops and what you like you like best??

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Oops....It looked like I wanted to talk about chickens....I wanna talk about groups of children getting together:-)

1. I'd love to hear what types of co-ops everyone is involved in

2. How often they meet,

3. How many weeks and about how much they charge.

4. What ages does the co-op serve?


If you're in charge..that'd be cool to know to:-) And, if there's a website to look at, I'd like that, too! :-)


I've thought about some different kinds: A....

Veritas Press Co-op

Omnibus for the olders with Veritas Press...

Living Memory Co-op (LLC centered??)

Living Math Co-op

Living Science Co-op

SOTW Co-op

Social/Interactive Co-op (no...to almost no... academics)


Thanks! Carrie:-)



I'd love to hear about what you love/hate...

Edited by NayfiesMama
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I have to agree.


We love our group where the older kids take classes from knowledgeable teachers who want to teach.


They meet once a week. Classes last from 90 minutes to 3 hours, and cost $40-60 per month per class. Kids can take as many or as few classes as they want.


We have a month off for Christmas, and 2 weeks off for Spring break. It is an ideal situation for us

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Thanks Heather:-) It's funny but I Livonia is actually one of the places in Michigan that I've visited. My parents first lived in Livonia and then in Canton....(which I stayed for a few months with them....11 years ago) Now we're all back on the West Coast.... But, I stayed in Michigan long enough to "get" my daughter.

If I ever go back to visit... Your tutor program looks like one I'd like to see in action.

SO, in total, about how much do you end up spending a "semester" or "year"?


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Thanks Heather:-) It's funny but I Livonia is actually one of the places in Michigan that I've visited. My parents first lived in Livonia and then in Canton....(which I stayed for a few months with them....11 years ago) Now we're all back on the West Coast.... But, I stayed in Michigan long enough to "get" my daughter.

If I ever go back to visit... Your tutor program looks like one I'd like to see in action.

SO, in total, about how much do you end up spending a "semester" or "year"?



How cool that you've been to those places. Those are all my "stompin' grounds"!


As to cost...I usually pick 3 classes for each child so it costs about $500 a semester in total. Some people only do one class, others are there all day.

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We had a fantastic co-op going with 9 families in total (about 30 kids, I think). We split the ages up so that we had a junior (ages 5 to 7ish), intermediate (ages 8 to 10ish) and senior (11ish and above) class. We met at a local church and each family paid $10 per month to the church. Each of the moms decided on a class they were passionate about teaching and we also collaborated on which classes we wanted (ie. stuff we didn't want to teach at home). So, we ended up with three levels of science (yeah!), a French class (taught by a Francophone mom), a beginner Latin class (all ages, I taught Prima Latina), a junior literature class, senior lit class (Teaching the Classics and Classical Poetry), intermediate writing (IEW) class, and in the afternoon they did hands-on Canadian history and actually won an award at the regional history fair. We didn't stay for the history, so for my kids our day ended at about 1pm.


It was really nice because the families were hand-picked, the kids got along well, and each of the moms taught in an area of interest. I loved that my kids got to do science (and I didn't have to touch it!) and I really liked my literary analysis class (I taught senior lit).


We had a nursery room for the kids who were too young for classes, but nearly everyone there had small kids so sometimes they would wander in and out of classrooms and that was fine and not disruptive. We ate lunch together and the kids had some playtime after lunch.


This describes how things were in the second year of the co-op; the first year was much the same.

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