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Can you record(voice) onto a cd? Want to record info for ds(auditory learner)

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Buy a mic for your computer, and you should be able to find a free piece of software to use to "edit" the file (windows might come with something - don't know, our Mac's do).


Then you have a file and can put it on a CD, depending on what you are going to play it on will depend on what format you need the file in....


This info might help!



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I have no clue how to do this. I see that there is also such a thing as a cd recorder, but unsure if it would be able to be used this way. Would love some help with this!!!



Yes!! :) I teach spanish to a lady from my home and I needed to record dialogues onto cd for her since she didn't own a cassette player. I went to Walmart and found in the electronics aisle a little digital voice recorder and it works great! It's a RCA RP5120. It was only around $30.00 and it has many features. The instruction manual is very helpful and teaches you how to create files in order to burn them to a cd. I am NOT a computer oriented person at all and normally would NEVER have been able to do something that advanced, but the instructions were so well written and tell you what to do step by step and have photographs of what the screen will look like at each step so I was able to do it with ease. My student loves the cd's I make for her and it was a very worthy investment IMO. :) I hope this helps you. :)

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On my computer there is a free software that I can record 60 seconds of audio. I go to "all programs" then "accessories" then "entertainment" then "sound recorder." You can check and see if this is on your computer. I record poems and things to put onto our memory CD all the time. I don't even need a mic on my laptop since there is one built in, although I get better sound when I use a mic.

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There are 3 basic ways to accomplish this end.


1) Record your voice on an outboard device that will interface with your computer after you've done the recording. Import the files (and potentially edit them) in a time line before burning to disc. There are many small solid-state recorders that have USB outputs that allow file to be imported into a computer.


2) You can get a USB microphone and record directly to the computer hard-drive. You'll need software to capture, edit and burn to CD.


3) There are recordable CD burners that stand alone. You record directly to a CD, just like you would have once recorded to tape. When you are done, you are done. If you do need to "edit" the files can be imported off the CD, edited with audio editing soft-ware, and burned back to CD.


Bill (who knows nothing about programs for PCs)

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Another option would be a small digital voice recorder ($35 up). He could listen to your voice on the recorder or you can download the recordings from the recorder onto your computer and put them onto a CD from there.

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Another vote for the digital voice recorder. It's no bigger than a microphone, no more difficult to use than a tape recorder. But the recorded files are much easier to work with! They are digital files which means you can easily store them on your computer, listen to them with Windows Media Player, re-order them, even edit them.


I use this extensively in our homeschool. I record all ds's memory work weekly*, then he listens to the files every day that week while he's playing with Legos or magnets. We've done this for a couple of years now, and has been a wonderful addition to our homeschool.


*Bible verses, Spanish vocabulary, Latin vocabulary, math facts, skip counting, spelling words...the list goes on and on

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