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SAT tests

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My dd just got the results back from her SAT test. This was her first test and she did very little preparation except for the SAT question of the day.


She scored ok. She did very well on the verbal, a little above average on the written but a little below average on the math.


She is taking the ACT test next month and I'm wondering how she will do on that. I've heard that the math is even more difficult on the ACT test. From your experience is this true? She is only taking algebra 2 this year so I'm wondering if that is part of the problem since a lot of kids are a year ahead of her. What math is included on these tests?


Since she only has a few weeks before the ACT est is there anything she can do to get a higher math score? She will retake both tests next fall so she can also work on it over the summer.

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I would take her to the bookstore and spend some time (30 minutes or longer) perusing the test prep books. Have her find one (or more) that she will actually read :) Then plan for test prep every day till the test. Have her take multiple practice tests, using a timer if you have one.

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As readwiththem noted, when taking the practice tests use a timer. One aspect of the test the kids need to realize is how quickly they must work through the problems. The timer provides this feedback to them.


My DS is taking three SAT Subject tests on June 6th. I hit our library system and pulled SAT practice books from their collection. His math score was not as high as he wanted on the SAT so every-other-day he is working through practice test problems with me (I love math) and then he does a practice test on the other days. He also takes one hour and reviews or takes a practice test in one of the other 2 sujbects. Since he is otherwise finished with his schoolwork for the year he has time to spend on these efforts right now.


DS did find some pre-calc on his ACT test but thought the math was actually easier than the math on the SAT.



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My dd did just OK on the SAT practice test in math, so I found this workbook to brush up on math skills:



It covers many topics and about 15-30 problems to work per topic, so they can refresh their memory as to how to work things they may have not done in a awhile.

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