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best geometry program

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Our Dd will finish with Lials Algebra 1 in about 1-2 months. We are looking ahead to geometry.

It has been a while since I have taken the course, and do not feel up to checking proofs.

What programs have you liked, and why??

I have heard some good things about TT geometry, but we had tried TT algebra and it just wasn't a good fit (not trying to stir that pot again!) Is TT geometry like the other courses? I really like the idea of having a video back up.

Any thoughts are appreciated:)

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I'll second Dr.Callahan for Geometry. My DS did very well with this. You also might want to look into Rapid Learning Center. They offer a HS Geometry course with either an online 1-year subscription option or you can purchase the DVD OR CD option. They also have a great newsletter that offers tips for math and science mastery. Here's their link: Subscribe to Rapid Learning Course


Take care

Edited by epiphanybella
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Unless you find a program that exclusively uses proofs that are partially completed in the problem with the student filling in blanks for the rest, there won't be just one correct answer to a proof problem. This is probably the biggest reason that my Geometry class at co-op is maxed out every year --parents have such a tough time grading proofs.


An alternative is to only assign those proof problems which are in skeleton form, not any that are "start from scratch".


For Geometry, I like Discovering Geometry by Key Curriculum Press and Harold Jacobs' Geometry. I've used the 3rd editions of both texts (separately).

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We are thinking of Chalkdust for next year also. We loved his Alg II with an older child. My big question is about proofs. It is a proof based Geometry. It doesn't have to be all proofs but I would still like quite a few?




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Seconding Chalkdust here. Although the Jacob's text which accompanies Dr. Callahan's videos is a good geometry text, Dana Moseley absolutely makes the Chalkdust program. I would wholeheartedly recommend Chalkdust over Dr. Callahan's videos, because I think his explanations were clearer and the presentation was easier to understand.

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The thought of checking them absolutely terrified me! I NEVER got these in high school, even though I had a proof heavy class and I made an "A." The Chalkdust solutions manual has all the steps of the proofs. Now, the proof is only done one way in the solutions manaul. Most of the time I was able to figure them out even if ds did them slightly differently. The few times ds approached a proof in such a way that was totally different from the solutions manual, I just let him e-mail it to Professor Mosely, and he checked it. But, honestly this was probably only 3 or 4 times all year. Most of the time I was able to see that ds had gotten it even if he approached it differently. Most of the time his answers were identical to the solutions manual anyway.


I always feel like I am some sort of Chalkdust fanatic, but it really is that good.

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Thank you! That is a relief. We fell in love with "Uncle Buck" this year. I did Geo with the oldest last year and stuggled checking those proofs. It will be great to have another teacher teach and help with the checking.



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