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Need suggestions K and 1st readers

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I'm watching 2 kids for the summer and we're going to have a daily reading time. They're just finishing K and 1st grade in public school (i.e. I'm pretty sure they've learn some sight words cause I've seen the lists on their fridge). I'll let them choose some silly books, of course, but I'm also looking for ideas of good books that they might read. Neither are advanced readers, just normal readers for their grades:) Our library system is awesome, so I can probably find almost anything.


Any suggestions of either specific books or quality reading lists anywhere online?? Thanks!

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Rookie-Read-About books - they have them for science, history, geography, botany, health, etc. They're short little books with nice, colorful photography. The Welcome Books series by Edana Eckart would be good too - big bold words for easy reading. Both are at Barnes & Noble and amazon to gather titles for checking out from the library.

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Ds has really enjoyed the Primer and now is reading the First Reader by Harriette Taylor Treadwell, available free online here. He didn't mind one bit reading online. He just scrolled down.


However, I still requested the books from the library just to check them out.

There's a whole series.

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Are you reading TO them, or are these books for independant reading?



if you're reading TO them, my boys enjoyed Charlotte's Web at that age. Actually, I read it to DS #1's entire kindy class while DSS #2 (3 1/2 at the time) sat in the stroller and listened.:lol:


The teacher told me later she'd never seen kindergarteners sit that still for a story in her thirteen years of teaching them. :001_huh:

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