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Classical Conversations suggestions

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I had written a previous message that didn't go through so I was testing this one out and it was vague. Sorry about that. I am Catholic and very interested in using Classical Conversations except for when I went to the meeting, one of the teachers made an anti Catholic comment that made me feel that she represented the whole bunch. Have you heard of any similar situations or feelings about this? I don't want to waste my time if it teaches against the Catholic faith. Thanks for your help...erin.

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Really, the atmosphere of CC and Catholics is determined by who is involved. I've always believed that Christians are those who believe in Jesus alone for their atonement of sin. (Jesus who was born, died ....and rose again...) The conflict sometimes comes in understanding what Catholics believe about the rest of Christians. Usually, if you look at Church teachings, Catholics can't take communion with the rest of us.... SO, in my circle, it looks like Catholics who believe purely in coming to Christ through faith are considered Christians....but by Church teachings....I'm not a Christian. Now, if you ask my Catholic MIL if we're Christians...she'll say "Yes" but....I'm not sure the Church agrees with her...


Now, about the Veritas Press Timeline cards, which is the only hard copy thing you might have a problem with. (that I can think of) The VP cards are from a "Reformed Press" which means that when dealing with a few things such as "The Reformation" you might prefer to think/refer to that as "The Rebellion". You have to decide what you think about the matter and if you can appreciate what the Reformation did for the common people.


I would ask about group dynamics. Are there any Catholics that are part of the group? I direct a group here, and would feel comfortable with anyone attending... I'm just careful that parents who tutor can agree with the statement of faith....which you can find on the site.


Feel free to ask more questions, if I might help:-) We really love our CC group. There are families from many different churches... etc... We all bring something to the group!



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Thank you for your response. I read the statement of Faith just now. I appreciate you directing me to that. i agree with what your friend said about the church. I don't feel that anyone I know in the Church would make anyone feel so ostracized as that woman did at that CC meeting. I was ready to join. The whole meeting I was thinking of ways to make it work, then "blam"...anyway, so that is when I thought I would just get the cards with the cycle set and do it at home with my children. I know we could have fun with it. Do you think this is a reasonable assumption? Thanks again.....

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Well there is the VP Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation card for The Council of Trent that states that the RCC's pronouncement that man is saved by faith and good works (rather than faith alone) was a "false teaching" and that therefore the RCC had become a "fallen or apostate church." When my kids and I read this and studied this time period, I taught them that we (Catholic) don't believe this. I also told them that VP shouldn't have written this on the card.


I also emphasized to them that the RCC no longer holds itself out to everyone as the only way to gain happiness in Heaven.


I told a teacher at Veritas Press that VP ought to consider revising some of its cards so as to be more inclusive, less judgmental. There is a way to teach Reformed Christian history, I believe, without slamming Catholics (and Muslims, too, btw). History during the Reformation can point out the excesses and overreaching by the Church, but it shouldn't leave the impression that the Church operates the same way today. Also, VP shouldn't wait until cards associated with later time periods to point out changes in the Church because by then, VP already has colored a child's opinion against the Church.


It doesn't do our children much good always to be calling other religions false. Instead, support your view of Christianity positively with your teachings, not always by pointing out what you believe are falsehoods of other religions. (Maybe that's all part of apologetics, but I'm not teaching my young, impressionable children that Muslims are wrong or Reformed Christians are wrong or any of that. And I don't think I'm being too PC. I'm teaching respect for other beliefs. I also am confident that I'm not confusing them.)


That's just my free-flowing answer to your original Q about Catholics and Classical Conversations.

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If you don't charge money, you can do CC on your own....I would suggest 3-4 other families and you. I would also do any latin, ecclesiastically. This way, any latin you hear at Church would match. We like the sound of Church Latin better, anyway. So many Masses are starting to add some Latin back in, that it's fun to "hear" what you're learning. Also, it's closer to Spanish. For a great Latin to match with what you get in CC, try Memoria Press' Latina Christiana


This way you have accountability and fun while learning the material. At a certain point, you can add the Latin from something like MP to the group. It's best to do Latin as a group, because it keeps you on track. I would suggest getting the DVDs and having the other moms in there.


You could either find a church....(perhaps yours) or one home, or if you have 4 families, maybe 6 weeks at each home....(just a thought)


Plan on 3 hrs in the morning, then lunch...and then your latin class in the afternoon. You can also add IEW for the writing portion, in the afternoon,too. I'd count on the Latin as covering grammar... It will if you're diligent in studying it.


Feel free to go to the practicum. It'll give you some good pointers...and it's FREE, except for if you want your kids in student camps. I think that the camps are especially worth it for the older kids...This year they cover Public Speaking (at least here they do...) Don't be intimidated, just because Logic is a bit hard. Learn what you can....and enjoy:-)


PM me if you have more questions:-)



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I am so sorry this happened. My family was part of CC last year and we are very excited and looking forward to continuing in the fall. I don't think the problem is a CC issue but the actual person who made the comment. As others have mentioned, there is a clear statement of faith on the website. Even then, you don't have to agree with it as a participant. The VP timeline cards are the only true possible issue I'm aware of and the offending statements are on the back of the cards (which are not discussed in class or don't have to be - just let the tutor know you find the remarks offensive).


We have a wonderful campus with a great community. I have found that we are like-minded and support each other in our Christian homeschooling and parenting. However, I have no idea what specific denomination each family is! It's never discussed. We discuss God, Jesus, sin, salvation, but never in a way that's been offensive or exclusionary. No one's walking on eggshells either. I think we're all so committed to creating a supportive, friendly Christian community that we focus on our common goals and desires as Christians. I don't mean to sound trite but I am truly grateful for the blessings I feel the Lords has bestowed upon our particular group. Just like schools, churches, etc., each group is going to create their own "culture" based on the it's members. I certainly hope that this group is not anti-Catholic or passing judgement, and if you still have a desire to be a part of CC, you should consider speaking with the Director. She will probably be thankful that you brought this to her attention because flippant, offensive comments like that could offend other families. Is it possible the lady was an attendee and not a member of the community??


Doing it at home is certainly an option. It could work, especially if you found other families to participate. However, there is going to be some preparation and responsibilities to commit to - gathering supplies for art, science, setup/cleanup, etc. For me, it's a load off my shoulders being able to show up and have everything ready (although we do have community responsibilities that we rotate - supervising play, cleaning, nursery). Plus, I'm not sure if you get the tutor training if you do it on your own. Tutor training isn't absolutely necessary but I have picked up a few things that helped me be a better teacher at home. Also, if you are interested in Essentials, the CC bookstore states it's only available to families enrolled in a program. I'm not sure how they keep up with that but it's a little FYI.


Good luck! I hope you consider reaching out to the director of the program. Even if you decide not to join, I hope the director thanks you for letting her know so she can discuss the problem with her community.



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