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Phonics Pathways issue... please help!


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I'm a little perplexed by my son's reading right now. We've been doing Phonics Pathways, and we're continuously running into him having trouble reading the lists in the book, but he has no problem reading the words outside of the PP book if he encounters them in a story. He is reading at a 2nd grade level although he's in K; he also enjoys reading unless I want him to do a PP lesson. He'll also easily read the sentences in PP; it's just the lists that cause issues.


I'm not sure if this is something I should be worried about since he's reading outside of PP. Shouldn't he be able to read the words from a list without stumbling? Does anyone else have a child like this?

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To me, and I am *no* sort of expert, it sounds like he probably can figure words out by content and doesn't know the phonics of it YET.

We are doing PP too and while my early reader doesn't struggle with the word lists I do notice that she can easily read words in Boxcar Children that she might not get if she saw the word alone. I think as long as you are pressing on with phonics instruction it will be fine and end up making it easier for him to read in the long run.

I am a horrible speller myself so it freaks me out to think my dd is not understanding the hows and whys something sounds like it does but I'm also thrilled she likes to read so much so I don't stop that either.

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To me, and I am *no* sort of expert, it sounds like he probably can figure words out by content and doesn't know the phonics of it YET.




Do some nonsense words, I have a fun game that makes both nonsense and real words:




Also, keep going over the phonics and the blending. I would stick to word lists and my game for your formal instruction for a while, you don't want him to start getting into guessing habits.

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you don't want him to start getting into guessing habits.


Yes, this is exactly what I am afraid of happening!


We'll be starting spelling for 1st grade in August (after our busy summer), I'm wondering if that may also help cement some of these issues for him? I'm of the believe that phonics and spelling go hand-and-hand so it's a must for him to get this.

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We'll be starting spelling for 1st grade in August (after our busy summer), I'm wondering if that may also help cement some of these issues for him? I'm of the believe that phonics and spelling go hand-and-hand so it's a must for him to get this.


Yes, the spelling should help. It was very helpful for my daughter and also for my remedial students (some of them are young K or 1st grade students, most are older.)

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I have the EXACT same thing going on with my daughter! You're not alone!


She loves to "guess" the words instead of sound them out...she doesn't like to slow down to really look at a word. Her dad's the same way!


It's nice to know I'm not alone! :)


How do you combat it? I know that ds can do this; part of his problem is he doesn't want to take the time.

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I have the EXACT same thing going on with my daughter! You're not alone!


She loves to "guess" the words instead of sound them out...she doesn't like to slow down to really look at a word. Her dad's the same way!


My son does the same thing. He'll often substitute a word he knows when he encounters an unfamiliar one. I bet most kids do that. I just keep telling him to sound it out, instead of guessing. We do lists of nonsense words some times and I play spelling games with alphabet tiles ("How can we turn the word 'cat' into 'cup'?"). Just keep chugging along with the phonics drill.



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