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Thank you all for your prayers, ds stitches coming out today!

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He is healing beautifully! No infection, no cat scratch fever. The dr said we would look at the possibility of needing a plastic surgeon after the stitches come out today. I think the scarring will be minimal. The only concern is the one that crosses his upper lip from the red of the lip to the white facial skin under the nose. It could possibly be "twisted" a bit.


As for the cat, I know I sound like a child, but my dh "handled" the situation for me. Animal Control never called or showed, but when I got up Monday morning the cat was gone. My dh told me not to worry about it anymore, it was fine. I started to ask him something Tuesday and he told me he wouldn't even tell me if I asked, so just not to ask. I have really been an emotional basketcase lately, so I am not asking. I had really grown attached to the cat and despite what happened, I hate to think of the outcome. So, I'm sticking my head in the sand and letting the adults handle it.


Ds hasn't even asked about the cat. I think he believes it wandering the land we have around our house.


Thanks again for your prayers.


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I saw a Beth Moore video session this morning where she talked about having a husband that would fight for his family. In your case, I wouldn't allow myself to think of the possibilities either that DH might have chosen, but I would be thankful that your DH was willing to do whatever was necessary to "fight" for his family and do what he thought was needed to protect them. And then I would just tell myself that I'm sure the cat is on a vacation somewhere very happy. :)

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I would just tell myself that I'm sure the cat is on a vacation somewhere very happy. :)


That's just what I'm doing! We've had soooo much death; family members and animals. We've lost too much too soon. It hasn't been but a few months that this same ds found his lovebird dead in his cage. We've buried several outside cats, a couple of fish, and a turtle all in the past few years. I've buried my brother, sister, and father along with countless aunts, uncles, and most recently my dfil.


So, yeah, sticking my head in the sand. Thankful for dh stepping in. Just focusing on minimizing the scarring for my ds.



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I am so glad he is healing well. You dh sounds like a wonderful father and husband - and protector. :) And don't feel like a child...I did the same with a cat before. I told my fil I couldn't bear to do anything to it and he took the cat, crate and all and it just vanished. I never saw the crate sitting around his house, so I can only ASSUME that he took the cat out into the wilderness and set it free and left the crate there. Yeah...that is what I chose to believe anyway...

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I saw a Beth Moore video session this morning where she talked about having a husband that would fight for his family. In your case, I wouldn't allow myself to think of the possibilities either that DH might have chosen, but I would be thankful that your DH was willing to do whatever was necessary to "fight" for his family and do what he thought was needed to protect them. And then I would just tell myself that I'm sure the cat is on a vacation somewhere very happy. :)


ABSOLUTELY! We had an older dog that bit our baby shortly after we adopted him (no it wasn't the baby's fault...the dog was just getting old and mean for some reason). My dh took care of the situation which I know was hard for him since we both loved the dog and had him for about 10 years. I don't really know what happened and I don't ask. I am just glad I have a man who is willing to do those hard things.

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