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Everything posted by babysparkler

  1. Exactly what I was about to say! It was so much easier when my almost 2 year old was newborn and nursing and sleeping all day.
  2. We love Grammar Key! http://www.grammarkey.com/
  3. Let me know what he thinks! I'd definitely be interested! My dh started algebra in 6th and finished Calculus by 8th grade and did just great (all A's) so I know that it can be done... but ds is even more "accelerated" than he was and so I do have concerns.
  4. Similar situation here... My ds is 9 and will be starting Saxon 8/7 w/pre-algebra in the fall for 4th grade (which I am sure he will fly through since he already has mastered much of what it covers, but I want to be sure that he doesn't miss anything)... we then plan to move to Jacobs Elementary Algebra, but he will only be 10. I am thinking that we may do a year of "fun math" between since he will be so young. I found the book "Beyond Base Ten" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1593633297/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance to fill that time, and it looks like it would be a fun unit to break out of the box. He is a pretty gifted little guy who loves math, but I worry that at some point that he will struggle not with the math, but with the developmental growth of his brain and how much he can physically learn. Does that make sense? Even with the "fun math" year in between, he would still only be 11 to start Algebra. I'm still just in the "thinking about" stage... any thoughts?
  5. This is what we plan to do... We will have science and history together as a family (ds9 & dd7 with little ds4 & ds2 around if they want to listen & watch). All of the LA and Math work will be individualized for each child.
  6. My ds (age 9) will be starting Jacobs Elementary Algebra either in the fall or spring. I have heard rave reviews from many people, including my FIL who was a hs math teacher before retirement a few years ago. It is worth looking into :)
  7. If I go with AAS, what do you recommend I buy to start? Do you purchase a couple of levels at once or one at a time?
  8. My older ds is using spelling power, but I was thinking that I would start dd in 3rd since that is where it is supposed to start. I never really considered using it for her in 2nd... how is that going for your dd?
  9. Thanks Brindee... I will check CLP out too!
  10. A couple questions for AAS users... thanks in advance!!! What does a typical AAS lesson look like? How long does a lesson take? Do you start on level 1 with all children? (DD will be 2nd grade) How many lessons are in each level?
  11. I have never heard of AAS... I'm so glad I asked! I'm going to check it and Spalding out. I appreciate your replies! Thanks! :)
  12. I am looking for a good 2nd grade spelling program that teaches the spelling rules. Maybe with lists in "word families". Any recommendations?
  13. I was glad to read this... we just decided to use Alpha-Phonics for our 4 year old in the fall... We have the book, but not the CD's... do you think they are necessary?
  14. I think Saxon should have started introducing algebra type problems earlier too... our son has just finished 7/6 and had a touch of it, but is wanting more. We plan to do 8/7 this coming year (and move to Jacobs Algebra when we complete that... or if he gets bored by the slowness, we may just move on early).
  15. We both love and hate it all at the same time. I like that it is a good curriculum... the material is thorough and easy to teach/learn. What we don't like is all of the repetition and the spiraling seems to move too slowly. I would have liked the lessons to dig deeper with fewer "spirals". We tend to dig deeper with the lessons and find that we have already covered the new topic when it comes around again. We also skip a lot of the review since my son doesn't seem to need it. For someone who needs the repetition it would be perfect... but for our gifted son, it is a bit too slow.
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