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Posts posted by raganfamily

  1. I'm thinking about switching math.  My ds (age 11) has finished Delta.  I am not sure what level to put him in for TT.  I have looked at the placement tests and he can do everything, but the fractions and decimals.


    I do not want him to be bored.  I thought Math 7, but didn't know if this would teach or just review fractions and decimals.  We will be using LoF as a supplement.


    Any advice would be appreciated! 

  2. If you want to separate out the two, we used this for Astronomy this year. Discovering the Essential Universe


    Tarbuck's Earth Science text has a section on Oceanography and Astronomy, along with other Earth Science topics.

    I wounder if anyone has a course syllabus using Tarbuck's.  I would like tests, and assignments already scheduled.  I suppose I could use this text as a spine and primarily have her focus on the ocean and astron.


    Coursera is full of astronomy resources.  I took X-ray astronomy (Analyzing the Universe from Rutgers), my DD has taken planetary science (Science of the Solar System from Caltech), and is currently enrolled in Exoplanets (from U of Geneva).


    Is astronomy a "fun senior year science topic" or a "future college major"?  If it's the latter, she needs as much high school physics as she can get.


    She is not sure what she wants to do.  So this would be a "fun" year, I suppose and then Physics as a Senior.    I'm not certain if I am making a mistake on putting Physics off till the Sr. year.  Or have her do it this year and the "fun" course her Sr. year.  She is my oldest, so trying to make the right decision is difficult

  3. My dd really wants to study oceanography and astronomy.  


    She has completed Biology (Campbell, Concepts and Connections) and Chemistry (Zumdahl)  She completed Videotext and is starting Geometry this year.  


    So I think Physics her Sr. year would be better.  (I am still thinking this through)  


    Does anyone have any recommendations?  I thought she could do a semester of each OR combine them for the full year.  Then what do I call it?  Earth Science?  Oceanography (.5 credit) Astronomy (.5 credit)  


    Are there already courses like this out there? Is there a text book that covers these that I could use as a spine?


    We are in the middle of a move and selling and remodeling a house, so my time is limited to create a high school course.




  4. We use EIL.  We use the books chronologically, not by each individual book.   So far, we have liked it.  I did start 3 of my kids with the first book.  It helped ease them into the format.  We have used these guides for 3 years and it has worked for us.  


    I do not use this exclusively, and some units take longer than others.   I give them longer than 1-2 weeks to read some books.  For example, the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, I had them read WEM section on auto-biographies.   Then they started the unit.   

  5. I have the Handbook for Writers.   It is filled with great information.  I do not like the layout.  My kids normally go to the Writers, Inc book we have or research writing help online.


    At first,  I referenced the page numbers from the Handbook for Writers that correlated to the rubric .  (I stopped doing this after 3 rubrics)


    I'm glad I have the book, but would not purchase if I had to do it over again.



  6. Would you mind sharing specifics about why it wasn't working for your family? Was it the format or something else?


    I think it is the format.   My dd had already completed Traditional Logic I, Discovery of Deduction and Fallacy Detective.  It uses a lot of examples and scenarios to explain concepts.  I was very excited about using this and thought it would be a perfect fit for my dd.  It was 


    It turned out it was better to have something straight forward for her to find examples and explain in her own words to me.


    I would like to hear if anyone has had  success with this book, I might give it another chance with a different child

  7. Brandy, I am currently listening to Cultural Literacy for Religion: Everything the Well-Educated Person Should Know and I really enjoy it. You can get it through Audible for one credit. I am going to build it into ds's history courses along with philosophy so that at the end of his high school career, he will have one credit towards "Introduction to Religion and Philosophy."  We are using World Religions: From Ancient History to the Present as a text, unless I find something better. The first part covers ancient religions and is fairly interesting, but you could skip that and head straight into Hinduism. I have also have several volumes of the Bedford World Literature anthologies that provide context and selections from major sacred texts.


    Thank you for posting this.  I am planning high school and couldn't figure out how to do these subjects and what to call it.  I plan to use the two spines you listed  and use your course title.


    Thank you

  8. We started this in August and after the first week I realized it wasn't going to work


    I switched my dd to rulebook of arguments that has worked well. She had already completed DOD and the first part of traditional logic


    I'm selling the James Madison, I really don't think it is a good fit for any of my kids. It sounded good in the description and would probable work for some, just not us

  9. I have the original Fix-It (Tom Sawyer is the 1st book).  Has anyone traded in the older Fix It version for the new updated one?  Is it worth trading it in?  


    The only difference I have seen is labeling the parts of speech for the sentences.  However, I haven't held the new version in my hand to truly look it over.


    I was told that I would receive a 30 credit to use towards the $89 teacher bundle (6 books)



  10. We are going to do Steps To Good Grammar before AG. It includes diagramming.


    This looks good.  Have you or anyone you know used this?


    FWIW, DD did AG this year with no problems, having turned 11 in late August.  FLL4 is a great program and a good lead-in.  I don't know that AG Jr. would be necessary.


    My dd will be turning 11 in July.  Did you go through AG at a slower rate?  I have 3 older kids in AG now, but they started at 13 & 14.  

  11. Any suggestions for a good fit between FLL 4 and AG.  I would like something simple, but good review before starting AG in two years.


    My dd just turned 11


    I have used the following since he finished FLL 4 in Jan. and they don't seem to be a good fit.  I want to find something and stick with it starting in July.


    - Rod & Staff 5 - Seemed to need to much of my help.

    - Easy Grammar 5 - Didn't seem to have enough good review of FLL 4

    - Total Language Plus - Sign of the Beaver - (similar to pulling teeth to get the work done.)


    A friend suggested Shurley English, but we will only use it for two years so not sure.  I considered IEW Fix-it.  



  12. Does anyone use AO for High School and if so how did you describe on your transcripts?  


    This is AO's chronological history plan:


    Year 9 - 1688-1815

    Year 10 - 1815-1901 

    Year 11 - 20th Century

    Year 12 - ancients ( I thought I would leave AO at this point and do a review of Western Civ to 1600 or let them take CC Western Civ course or CLEP)



    I have two finishing term 1, Year 9 this year and starting "high school" next.  I am trying to get my ducks in a row on how to do this.  I want to follow WTM fairly close, but not sure how to tie AO and WTM together for highschool


    I am fine having some credits spread across four years (ie. gov't, economics, fine arts)



  13. I used Videotext and my dd liked it. However, I am a math person and so she also did problems from Life of Fred and Danica McKellers series. 



    Do look up concepts on youtube. There are many, many videos besides Khan academy. Some kids do not respond well to Khan, but there are many other good teachers on youtube.


    I really like Video Text, and I am a math person as well.  I highly recommend giving math problems from other sources than only the math curriculum you choose.


    My oldest completed Video Text and needs to go back to review concepts that she fully did not understand.  My failure was not giving review while learning new concepts.  


    Needless to say my other children will have plenty of review while working through Video Text.  I have always gone to Khan and will look into other youtube resources. Thx!

  14. Ok, these are the avenues we are pursuing.  I really felt like I was missing something.  I haven't been too concerned with my older daughter, whom is not interested in this are.  However, I now have two starting 9th next year and wanted to make sure I was not missing anything.   They are both doing Video Text Algebra now.


    Does anyone know of good reference for word problems for math?   Are there any other basic courses I should focus on for STEM?

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