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Posts posted by raganfamily

  1. Thanks for all the posts.  Right now, I have started her on the Keys to Algebra  series as daily review, and told her we were not going to worry about a CLEP test at this point.   


    I think this has been a great eye opener and I am going to work on establishing good daily review.  I agree with 'Nan in Mass' math came easy to me, but I did math twice a day as well.


    Now, I have to figure out what else my kids are learning and forgetting :(



  2. My goal for homeschooling has been for my children to learn.  I did not want them to play the game of studying, take a test, and forget what they learned.


    Somehow, it happened.  Now what to do???


    My oldest dd has completed VideoText Algebra and did well.   (She did have some trouble with the final comprehensive test)   So, I have her practicing for the College Algebra CLEP test.    


    Needless to say she is not doing well, she has not retained what she has learned.  What do I do?    Anyone suggest a quick Algebra review to work through or any other suggestions?  What can I do to prevent this from my other kids?    Anyone else experience this?


    I was not excepting this and would love any suggestions.

  3. We use EIL.  I do not follow the format that she has the books in.  We read our books in chronological order.   (We also go at a slower pace on some of the books)


    In regards to The Lives of Noble Greeks and Romans by Plutarch, you only choose 6 stories to read.   We follow AO and study 2-3 lives from Plutarch.   Here is the link to their info:   http://www.amblesideonline.org/PlutarchSch.shtml



  4. I tried TOG last year and it did not work out.  We started in year 2 and I felt that it went at a very fast pace.  I have gone back to Ambleside and it has worked out well.  (currently in  year 9 Term 1)


    Discussions (Socratic questioning) is not going well. 


    Has anyone used AO and TOG for high school.  I would love to hear from someone with experience in both.   I think I made TOG harder than it has to be.   AND I think I may be missing something with Ambleside (regarding preparing for discussions)


    If you only have experience with AO, how do you handle the discussions?  (Time is limited for me to read all their books)






  5. Who is using Excellence in Literature?


    Has anyone done multiple levels?


    What are you using for history?


    What are you using for a English handbook?


    Do you have the student write the discussion questions? That looks a little awkward to me.


    Has anyone used level one, and then just applied the basic idea to their own reading list? Do the later levels add any further writing instruction?


    If anyone started using this curriculum after CM, TJE, Robinson, or Waldorf can you tell me a bit more about the transition or how you tweak it?

    Who is using Excellence in Literature?

    My older three children are using this.  My oldest daughter started last year with Introduction to Lit.


    Has anyone done multiple levels?

    I really like EIL last year.  However, I did not like the order that the books were in for our history rotation.   So I purchased all the levels and placed them in a large binder.  I chose 9 books and put them in order according to our history rotation.  It has worked out well with my oldest daughter, whom completed Intro to Lit last year.  However, the assignments are a little more indepth and longer in the other levels.  So, my younger two had some trouble.  They are working through the first book now, atleast the first couple of units.


    What are you using for history?

    History is a combination of WTM and AO.  I do have the TOG guide that I refer to when I am planning.


    What are you using for a English handbook?

    I purchased the English Handbook that is referenced with EIL, however, I prefer the layout of Writers, Inc.


    Do you have the student write the discussion questions? That looks a little awkward to me.

    Yes.  It seemed awkward to me at first.  However, they have to have a good understanding of what they read in order to create questions for it.


    Has anyone used level one, and then just applied the basic idea to their own reading list? Do the later levels add any further writing instruction?

    I agree with  Momto2Ns . She has already done the work, and there are a good choice of books. Right now, I prefer to use this and not come up with the assignments on my own. There are a few classics that I want my kids to read that are not listed, and we will just do discussions and narrations on those.


    If anyone started using this curriculum after CM, TJE, Robinson, or Waldorf can you tell me a bit more about the transition or how you tweak it?

    I have tweaked a little.  Mainly on the time frame.  I have scheduled 9 books (units) for the year, but know that some units will take longer than 4 weeks.  So, I plan to cut 1-2 units and have those carry over to next year.  For example, I tweaked the Pygmalion unit.  Since Pygmalion is a play we met with a small group and read the parts outloud and watched My Fair Lady.  This unit took a little longer than 4 weeks. 


    Let me know if you have any other questions.  



  6. Hi, My 7 year old went to K and 1st at public school.  I read TWTM and loved the idea so I bought all the recommendations in the book -FLL, WWE, SOTW, Spelling Workout but my daughter hates it.  I think because she had so many darn worksheets in PS.  Right now I switched from WWE to Handwriting without Tears because she was forming her letters from the bottom up.  The Spelling Workout she really hates.  I started with book A.  Anyway, I feel like all we do is sit at the table and do worksheets.  Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.


    I would go slow and do as much oral as you can.  You may want to take a break with what is not working and come back to it in a month with a different approach.  


    Our first year of homeschooling, I had not heard of the WTM  so we used Above Five in a Row  and it was a good transition into homeschooling.





    SOTW: There is a SOTW video blog that has some fun videos to watch with each chapter.  You can also have her bouncing on an exercise ball while you read, drawing pictures to go with what you're reading, and you can look for activities to go with each chapter as well if you don't have the activity book.



    Can you share a link for the SOTW video blog?  I was not aware of this.  I decided not to using STOW this year, but this video blog may persuade me :)  

  7. My ds has finished FLL 4, but he is only 10.  I plan to have him go through Analytical Grammar, but he is not ready for it yet.  


    Does anyone recommend a good bridge I could use?


    I want to keep his grammar skills up, but do not want teacher intensive for his grammar this year.  (I am going through AG with three older kids and FLL 3 with a younger one.  SO for him I need independent) 


    I have thought of Easy Grammar 5, Easy Grammar 6, or just doing Daily Grams.  


    Any suggestions?


    Really needing him to have more independent work.  I have R & S but I am not sure he could do this independently.


    Any advice would be great.

  8. I have taught Microsoft Office for quite a few years at our local 2yr college. You can get a book on MS Office and work through the tutorials. Office 2013 is now available and most colleges/Universities will no longer be using texts covering MS Office 2010 so you can find a used College Textbook.


    I would recommend being creative and assigning projects that involve their current school work. For example:


    For early Modern: Use Word to create a letter and use mail merge. All the contacts would be those that belonged to the Continental Congress


    Economics: Use Excel to create a budget. Make sure they use all the formulas.


    Research Papers: Give specific guidelines for them to follow to format their papers.


    These are just a few ideas. I am planning on creating something for my children to learn MS Office, but haven't gotten there yet.


    YouTube is an excellent source for researching how to complete a step.

  9. So using the JM CT course and Rulebook of Arguments for the year and then divide them into two separate 1/2 credit courses. I had not thought of that.


    Mountainmama- My dd has already used Traditional Logic I and DoD. From what I have looked through the JM CT course uses a little of both. So I do not know if you would call it formal, informal logic. Someone else my have a better answer for that.

  10. I plan to have my dd complete the James Madison Critical Thinking Course. Has anyone else used this? If so, what did you call the class on the transcript?


    I would like to have it be a full credit in Critical Thinking ( or call it something else). By itself it does not seem to be worth a full credit. Do I need to add to this? Or am I over thinking it?


    I thought about using The Rulebook of Arguments with my three oldest (15, 13, 12) and work through it together.

  11. I greatly appreciate all the comments. I will probable keep her at 8th grade (according to the Intent to Homeschool paperwork), but allow her to work on her High School credits. I like the idea of her attending community college to get her basics before she graduates high school.


    Thanks to everyone for all the input.

  12. My dd will be 14 in September. She is very motivated with her work. She is ready for High School level material.


    Do I keep her at 8th grade and let her complete the High School work and her Jr. and Sr. year she could take college courses (dual enrollment)





    Do I have her skip 8th grade and place her at 9th?



    I have another dd that will be 10th and both girls are basically on the same level, except for math. So, I plan to group their work as much as possible.


    Pros and Cons or those that have experience? Would love input.

  13. I am trying to make things easier for me this school year. My oldest dd is 15 and will be doing Rulebook for Arguments. She has already completed Fallacy Detective, Traditional Logic 1 and Discovery of Deduction.


    My dd, whom is almost 14, has only completed Fallacy Detective.


    Is it necessary to complete Traditional Logic or Discovery of Deduction before using Rulebook of Arguments? OR could I skip those and have her complete Rulebook of Arguments the same year as her older sister?


    We are also doing Speech/Debate for the first time this year.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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