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Posts posted by raganfamily

  1. I used EIL for my older kids and would use a unit here and there to correlate with the history they were doing.  However, we started with the the Intro to Lit book, which I think is similar to WttW.  We also use Analytical Grammar.  Both of these are great resources.  I also would recommend How to Read a Book Like a Professor


    I did combine our World History and Am History and just had that spread out over two years.


    With my younger two, I plan to use TOG.  However, currently trying to figure out how to incorporate EIL.


  2. My ds completed Apologia Chemistry 3rd ed last year, while completing TT Geometry.  (He is actually strong in math, but had some trouble with Apologia Chemistry) He did ok.  However,  I didn't think he would be ready for the Apologia Physics this coming year.  So we are doing an Earth Science and I will be pulling in Chemistry and Intro Physics for him to really grasp those concepts.  Next year he will either do Apologia Physics or Dual Enrollment Physics.


    In contrast my Dd, who struggles with math, did exceptionally well with the Apologia Chemistry.


    I hope this helps. 

    • Like 1
  3. Anyone have experience with either IEW A Guide to Writing Your Novel or Novel in One Year?


    My ds wants to be a writer and I want to have something along those lines this school year.  I am ok with creating and piecing together a curriculum plan for him.  However, these two products looked good.  I am wanting him to do more creative writing and journalism this year.  Any reviews or other suggestions for these?



  4. We used the relevant portions of Spielvogel's Western Civilization. He also has a World History: Modern Times textbook. I picked it up at a used bookshop recently, but have no experience using it.


    We ended up using Spielvogel as well and History of the American People by Paul Johnson. My dd did like Tindalls book better though.  We also used Ambleside Online sources and we used a couple of the 7 Sisters Study Guides.


  5. Most places have precalc as a prereq to calc. I would recommend taking it even if not. Btw, I didn't end up going to medical school. I changed to nursing!


    Thanks.  I thought I had all my ducks in a row and would be able to talk to people on nursing especially what all is offered in AR.  However, other areas I just haven't researched.


    Thanks for your help.  it does seem there are more options going the nursing route. 

  6. She completed college algebra in high school. Has she completed precalc?


    She did complete College Algebra in high school.  She hasn't completed Pre Cal.  That might be good for her to continue on with her math. I plan on helping her rescheduling her course load for this fall this week.

  7. This is an older thread, but one I recall worthy of reading:




    If you aren't sure if she is sure - see if she can shadow at your local hospital or similar.

    Thank you I will start reading through those posts.  She did a CNA class and has started p/t at a hospital.  But, I do agree she will need to shadow. 


    Does she know what type of medicine she wants to practice? Unless it's a specialty, the financially smart move might very well be to get her M.S.N. and work as a nurse practitioner. 2 years at the community college for her A.S.N., 2 years at the 4 year school for her B.S.N. and 2 years for her M.S.N. and then she'd be fully licensed and able to work at a good-paying job.


    Whereas medicine requires 4 years of med school after receiving a bachelor's and then 3-5 years in a low-pay residency before the individual is fully licensed.


    Primary care physicians don't make that much more than N.P.'s. She'd have to work FT for many years before she'd come out ahead. And if she wants to have kids, she may not want to work FT when they're small.


    Now if she wants to go into some specialty, that changes the equation since (A) most specialties don't allow N.P.'s and ( B ) specialist physicians get paid $$$$.

    Thank you.  This was her original thoughts and to me makes the most sense. She has mentioned to me about becoming a surgeon.  This is all within the past month.


    What is her higest math so far?


    For our local medical schools cc credits are accepted (I was accepted having completed most of my sciences at cc). To be more competitive you take another advanced course at your 4 year. No CLEP or online courses. I will say that A&P will serve her well. You do not have to be a science major to complete "premed" requirements. There is usually no such thing as "premed" as a major, but there will be a special advisor for the pre-professional students to make sure they are getting the requirements.

    She has finished College Algebra.  So after looking through your suggestions.  It might be good for her to take another math course next fall.  Thanks for adding that it wouldn't hurt to take A&P


    She is my oldest and I have found it is quite stressful to help lead down the right path.  My dd and I have found that the college counselors have not been much help

  8. The way the transfer scholarship and another scholarship she rec'd are structured that her tuition will be paid the last 3 years of 4 year as a transfer student.


    I was not aware of College Confidential.  I will look into that.


    Yes, the science courses at a community college was what I was worried about.  I thought about telling her to take just a General Chemistry to help make sure she wanted to go that route.


    Thank you for your help!

  9. My dd has planned to go to nursing school.  (She just graduated high school)  We have gone through and have things planned out. 

    NOW, she has changed and really wants medical school.  We actually have a great medical school in our area.


    This is where I need help... We are trying to go the no debt route and she is going to a community college next year, full paid and then transferring to a four year school.   (It's too late to pursue a 4 year college scholarships, deadlines have passed)


    I want to help guide her in the right direction. We are going to change the courses she is taking at the community college. She is currently scheduled to take Mircobiology, A&P I, Computer Course and Government.  But, since she is wanting pre-med I am thinking this is not the right courses to take.   Does anyone have experience with this route?  Should she just take those basics or go ahead and take some of the sciences courses needed? 


    I have searched for a clear cut this is what you need for undergraduate for med school, but have not found anything that is simple stated.


    Any help would be appreciated. 



  10. Does anyone know if there is a study guide or course guide to go along with Story of Western Science By Bauer?  I am wanting to use this for my son for a high school credit and would love to have a guide or writing assignments, research project ideas, etc. 


    (Prefer to have it all planned rather than winging it through the year :huh: )


    Any ideas, resources or suggestions?

    • Like 2
  11. Has anyone used SWB Story of Western Science for high school?   I am trying to figure out my son's next year, 11th grade.  He has gone through the history cycle twice and I thought this might be a good history for him.


    Are there any guides?  Did anyone couple this with a lab science course? 


    I'm also trying to figure out his science for next year, not ready for Physics yet.  (Maybe Conceptual Physics, but not sure yet)


    I searched the forum and couldn't find anything so I thought I'd ask.

    • Like 2
  12. What does your son want to do?


    My ds took Conceptual Physics in 9th grade, Chemistry in 10th, and AP Biology for 11th.  All were labs. His schedule could not withstand an AP Physics course for 12th grade and I wasn't comfortable teaching a regular physics course on my own.  Fellow boardies helped me design a "Natural Sciences Field Studies" class that incorporated the Tarbuck's text and Castro's Marine Science text. We consider it "practical, hands-on" science for someone who likes to hike and sail. We've utilized books like the "Hiking Your State's Geology" series and attended lectures at the Audubon Society. I've pulled a couple of labs from the standard classes and applied them here.  I wanted something that addressed his interests, but would still look challenging enough for college admissions (beyond a regular Earth Science class).


    Something like that sounds like a good match. He has started White Water Kayaking this past year and has already planned to volunteer with the Geological Survey Organization here. 


    Would you mind PM your plans that you did?? 

  13. I am planning my ds 11th grade year and need help with science.  He has always loved science.  Yet, he currently does not.


    He has completed:


    Physical Science - Rainbow Science

    Biology - Kolbe Academy

    Chemistry - Apologia (ended up being too difficult and we stopped at LM10)  we switched to Life Pac Chemistry (This is has been too easy, but this is what he will finish this year)


    I am wanting to get that love of science back to him.  I do not think he is ready for Physics.


    So I have considered Earth Science (Tarbuck and Teaching Co)? or Environmental Science or maybe doing a History of Science with Susan Wise Bauer's book?


    I have really enjoyed having a guide, ie. Kolbe Academy or Apologia's.  So any recommendations, I am all ears...


    I plan for 12th to be dual enrollment or Physics.


  14. My 12 ds has been using Apologia General Science this year and has struggled and cringes when its time for science. 


    I just saw Elemental Science and feel this might be a good fit.  If you have used this what do you think?  What did you plan for high school? 


    I thought I found the best sequence with Apologia, but it does not seem to be a good fit for him.


    I have no problem switching mid year, but not sure what to use.. Is it possible to use Earth Science and Astronomy  then next year (January) combine the Chemistry and Physics and call it Physical Science for high School.


    At that point I might switch back to Apologia Biology or Kolbe Academy Biology.








  15. Not sure this is the right area to post this...


    I am wanting to find a tracking software for my kids phone, ipod.  I want to be able to see their history, texts, location, possible set time limits, etc


    There are many options out there and thought someone may have one they really like and could recommend   So far I have seen....






    Thanks in advance for any feedback!



  16. I am planning for my 4th high schooler.   The others used AO and some TOG.  I have found simple seems to work best.   SO....


    I thought about using EIL for English. but not sure how to incorporate the history.  


    We will be starting with Ancients and I do like the integration of books with the history.  But, I really like the simplicity of EIL for English.


    Has anyone used EIL as written for their English?  If so, what did you use for your history?


    Any suggestions? 


    I have HOTAW with study guide, Speigvogol w/ study guide, Pandia Press Ancients, IEW Ancients, all the AO HEO books and some of the TOG books. 

  17. I am wanting to review rhetoric and assign writing/speaking assignments across their curriculum.   Does anyone recommend a good Rhetoric resource I could use as a guide for assigning?  I feel comfortable with teaching writing, just want to make sure I give a good final overview before they graduate. 



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