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Posts posted by raganfamily

  1. Kathy Joe Devore is a CM,.. recommendations are:


    • Science for High School (This is a research-based curriculum)
    • CK12 HS Science Texts (Free resource - we've used this and it works well as a general spine if you add to it the way Kathy does.)
    • From what I've read on the Yahoo group, she is now looking into and tentatively recommending Novare Science as well. They offer the following in Chemistry for HS:
      • General Chemistry - or -
      • Accelerated Chemistry, plus
      • Student Lab Report Handbook

    Supplemental reading of living books that she mentions in a couple of her curriculum samples includes: (not specifically just for Chemistry)

    While I can't yet see what she specifically recommends for Chemistry, her recommendations for other HS science, as well as her recommendations for other subjects are quite impressive.  So impressive, in fact, that I'm thinking of switching from TOG, which we love, to trying this curriculum for a rigorous, yet more relaxed approach, if that makes sense. (I can't believe I'm seriously contemplating this -- but I am.)

    Ok, thank you.  I was not aware of these except CK12, which frustrated me because it was not clearly laid out.



    Apologia Chemistry is still clearly Christian, but I didn't find it annoying (I am an OE Christian). He didn't go out of his way to make everything about religion. He does make "God made it that way" kind of remarks, or "It is all part of God's perfect plan" things like that, but he rarely says more than that. 


    Ds did Apologia in a semester at under 2 hours a day. All the other sciences we've done in a semester have taken 2+ hours/day, the equivalent of 1 hr/day for a year. We did add better labs to it to make it a more full course - you could do the same with your micro chem kit. Ds is weak in math and some students would breeze through this far faster than he did. I expect only a few would take longer :).

    Thank you for clarfying

    Did your Ds use the student notebook?

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  2. Apologia is laid out with quizzes and tests and is not a heavy load so you wouldn't overburden by doing some living books with it. Spectrum is very heavily hands on and is probably not the best fit if you want to use the chem kit you already have. However, it isn't and overly heavy load either. 




    Thanks for the info on Spectrum.   It doesn't sound like it would work, since I already have a chemistry kit we plan to use.


    I had thought Apologia Chemistry might be too much.  It is good to see that it would work with living books as well.  Did you use the student notebook?  I have stayed away from Apologia because I prefer a secular science.  However, I have been told that Chemistry with Apologia is fine.   (I haven't looked at it though)


    In regards to Zumdahl, my oldest dd used this and it was ok.  I really want to have something with already made quizzes and/or tests this time around with Chemistry.  (But, I do have the book as a reference)

  3. I'm planning chemistry for 2  next year. (1 wants to be a nurse and 1 wants to be an engineer)


    This year they used Kolbe Biology.   They learned alot, but I think it was on the boring side for them. I started with living books with their biology and then realized it was too much and completed the rest of the year with just Kolbe


    I want to use living books with their chemistry next year. (Napoleon's Buttons, Disappearing Spoon and a biography)


    I do not want to overload them (that seems to be my nature)


    Does anyone have  recommendations?  I already have the MicroChem Kit (practically new)  I need something that is somewhat laid out with quizzes and or tests.


    I have looked at (but not sold on any)


    Spectrum Chemistry


    Apologia Chemistry


    Conceptual Chemistry


    Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry (but only counts as 1/2 credit)


    I know there is a big Chemistry tab on the main page.  But, I thought someone might be able to give insight to a good curriculum that can go with living books and not be over the top on workload.



  4. Has anyone used CK-12 successfully?  I am looking into using it for High School Biology.  I like the Flexbook and I like that you can create a class and send assignments.


    However, I am having trouble assigning say Ch. 1 of Flexbook and then take quizzes.  I can't figure it out. Am I missing something?


    I have considered having ds do the self study and I just watch his progress.


    (We are doing Biology labs seperately.  My other dd is using Kolbe Biology and it is going wonderfully)

  5. Our homeschool was revolutionized when I learned about the whole method of memorization. Instead of working on a passage line by line, you read the whole thing at once. We read the same Psalm every morning for a few months and it is memorized effortlessly. Then we read poems for fun, and the kiddos learn those even faster because of the rhythm. Poems on audio are also wonderful to use. We have Andrew Pudewa's Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization, which is awesome.


    We have not done well with poetry memorization in the past.  I have read more on how CM approached this, so I have changed how we do it.  It has worked well.


    We choose a poet each term.  

    They have to read a poem of their choice from that poet each day.  (sometimes outloud if we are having a good day :)

    They copy a poem once a week. 

    Practice reciting a poem twice a week (on their own)

    Recite the poem in front of the family on Fridays.


    I made a simple book from the poems listed on AO.  Our last term we did Emily Dickinson.  I have attached the file, if anyone is interested.



    I am really enjoying this thread.  I am still reading Consider This and will probable start it over when I finish :)

    Emily Dickinson.pdf

    • Like 2
  6. When we went through STOW, I would look for documentaries and you tube videos to go with what we were learning.  I only did this when we had time in our week.  


    In addition, I assigned books based on the time period for them to read.  They would give oral narrations and then written narrations on what they read.  This opened up discussions regarding the books they were reading and what we learned in STOW.  I used alot of the books from Sonlight, Ambleside Online and Well Trained Mind.  


    I did not schedule books that covered every chapter in STOW.  For example, we are currently reading Abigail Adams:  Witness to a Revolution and Johnny Tremain .



  7. We have gone through FLL and WWE a couple of times.  I started FLL 1 and WWE 1 at the same time.  If they struggled, I would take a day break.   I found that we went through FLL at a faster rate than WWE.  This was the case for 3 kids.  I currently have my dd in FLL 4 and starting WWE 3.


    If there was an assignment that overlapped than I would either do the assignment (if I felt we needed the practice) or skipped it.


    We also follow Charlotte Mason methods.  So they were continously giving oral narrations on their readings with occasional copywork.


    I am a scheduler...so I recommend not having FLL Lesson 1, Lesson 2, etc on your schedule.  Simple have FLL and WWE and then fill in the lesson you do on that day.   (Some of the FLL require more than one day)


    I hope this helps.  I'd be happy to answer any other questions.


    My older 2 kids (who started with FLL 3 and WWE 3) only completed WWE 3 and grasped written narrations and did not need to go through WWE 4.

  8. I wish that she did not close this site as well.  I managed to print year 8, but did not think I would need to print the older grades.   I liked how she incorporated different books and gave other options.  I have bookmarked the Amazon book list.   For example, we enjoyed reading The Story of Europe by HE Marshall, which is not listed on AO.  


    Thanks for posting that!


  9. I have two dd who are ready to start Geometry.  One has completed Videotext Algebra and the other has completed half of VideoText, so equivalent to Algebra I.


    I decided on Teaching Textbooks Geometry 2, (mainly because I wanted something easy on me)  However, I bought it through a homeschool classifieds website and apparently have been scammed.  I have been waiting 3 weeks for this.  (Never use Friend option with paypal when paying for merchandise. I feel like an idiot that I did this  :crying: )




    I would like to find something around $100 - $120, that both my girls can use.  I prefer to not be so involved.  I love math, but do not like geometry :)


    Per my girls we are not going to use MUS, Videotext or Saxon


    Kolbe looks good, but thought there may be other options.  Or should I just break down and buy TT?

  10. No, I didn't.  I would have liked to try it but my school budget is too low.  I did call them, and they do offer just chapter tests which would also be nice.  I also like that their schedule picks and chooses what to do and schedules it.  My current plan is to slowly go through it all.


    What did you end up using for Geometry?  Or are you waiting to start Geometry?  Just curious.



  11. My 9th grader is just starting this geometry course using the updated Math Without Borders.  It is going OK, but I feel it may be a bit "loose"for me.  I do better with schedules and tests.  I am wondering if anyone is using the Kolbe schedule, tests and worksheets, do they add much to the program?





    Did you end up using Kolbe Geometry?  If so, what did you think?

  12. My DD is using Oak Meadow Physics this year and she enjoys it. I would only NOT recommend it if your dc does not want to do a lot of reading from a novel- about half of the questions come from Coming of Age in the Milky Way and the other half from the textbook... 


    The reading would be ok.  We normally have a living science book added.  


    Did the Oak Meadow Syllabus or solutions manual give answers to the questions from the Coming of Age in the Milky Way?

  13. Can anyone recommend a good forum or message board to use for a small (50 - 100 families)  homeschool support group.  We have been using Yahoo and really dislike it.


    I looked at ProBoards but you are not able to get instant email notification on new posts.  (If it is not a private group than you can)


    We are looking for free or extremely low cost.


    Any suggestions would be helpful.



  14. Many ppl use TT Geometry. We used it as a supplement to Thinkwell. I don't recommend Thinkwell though. With those two programs we also had a weekly tutor to review.


    I did consider TT Geometry and found it used for $110.  Never thought about Holt Geometry.


    Were you pleased with TT even though you were not pleased with Thinkwell?

  15. My dd will be 11th grade this year.  She has completed Video Text Algebra program (this includes Algebra 2)  


    We do not want to use Video Text Geometry.   


    Here are a couple of factors:

    • I am weak with Geometry
    • My time is limited this school year.
    • She did poorly on the ACT- Math portion (She is reviewing her Algebra this summer)
    • I'm unbiased with any math curriculum
    • Prefer not to spend over $100 

    Thanks for any advice.


  16. Based on what you share, he should be placed into tt6. The first 5 chapters of TT6 are review of computation, but from chapter 6-15, you are covering fractions and decimals and percents.....


    You've already done the placement test for TT6, which he didn't pass (you state that he missed the fractions and percents questions), so I wouldn't place him into 7. I find that a lot of homeschoolers want to skip fractions/decimals/percents, but a lot of kids really struggle with the material, and it is the precursor foundation work for prealgebra....


    FWIW, my advice would be to use something other than TT as well, but that wasn't what you asked. ;)

    Why not TT? We have used MUS and its not working. It involves a lot of me re-teaching so I thought I would try something new. My time will be limited this school year so I was hoping to find something less teacher intensive.


    (I used MUS w/ my older two and had no problems ). Its just not working with my younger ones

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