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Posts posted by raganfamily

  1. We just choose 3 artists and musicians to cover in a year. We do a picture study of atleast 3-4 pictures from each artist and 3-4 pieces from the musicians. I also read a few books about the artists and musicians we are studying. The kids will write a short biography about the person we learned about and put it in their history binder.


    I hope that helps.

  2. This is what has worked best for me. For each week, and one week's work may stretch to two, each child has their own color coded to do list. (Readings, math, etc. ) I have a copy of each of their color coded sheets in a binder that I keep a long with a color coded divider w. pocket. I also have my to-do's in this binder. This has helped me know what needs to be done, what has been done, etc. It also gives me and the kids a sense of accomplishment.

  3. Wow thank you to everyone who posted to my question. I had not listened to the audio on the audio from SWB, but plan to. I like to get a full understanding before I go forward...I have found if I don't quite understand what they are doing than I am not as motivated.


    Thanks again!:)

  4. I have five kids and heavily considering in the IEW program. I am planning on purchasing the Teaching Writing Structure and Style which is $169. However, I am curious if it is worth this investment. Would like input for anyone whom has purchased this dvd set w. syllabus. Did it help, do you think the student dvd's are necessary as well?


    My younger kids use WWE and FLL and I really like it, but need something after we complete those.


    Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  5. Everyone has given wonderful advice. Thought I would add, I took 4 of the kids from private school to HS last year and it took a couple of months before they realized that this was real. They were used to very strict school and I tried a more relaxed at home feel. It was a hard adjustment for them.


    I do have similar issues with my 6yr old this year as you have said. But, I think it is an issue overall and not just because he is HS.

  6. Not sure if it helps. These are few organization things I have done that have helped. Each child has a pocket chart that they can visually go through the main subjects they do each day. (Math, Spelling, Spanish, etc.)


    There is a separate pocket chart (in a different room) that has their "Teamwork" chores that they are to accomplish each day.


    In three big binders I have the entire school year planned, with everything I want to accomplish. There is also a sheet for each child, color coded, of their weekly assignments. Some are left blank, and we fill in as we go. (ie. Math is blank and we fill in lessons as we go)


    There are a few other things I do, but this is the basic part of it. ( I also have everything in Excel and Access)

  7. My children really liked This Country of Ours and The Island Story. But, I felt I had to choose between them or SOTW. We went with SOTW. It was too difficult to incorporate both for us. Those that are doing both, what is your history schedule like? Do you read from both each week? Do you omit other read alouds? Do you skip chapters? I would love to figure out a way to make it work.


  8. I understand where you are coming from. We did many fun, creative things with my older kids when they were younger. I find that I do not do the same with my younger ones. I am too busy with the older kids or just too tired when there is free time. I am trying to find this balance as well.


    We have only been homeschooling a year and I can say that when my kids were in school I was at the school alot with my toddler. So, she is not getting less of my time because we are homeschooling, it is because she is number 5.

  9. I just read over some weekly updates posted on blogs. I have not done this before and think it would be great!!! Any suggestions on how to go about doing this? Is there a fee, is there a website you go to. I would want it to be colorful and with pics. (any that you have had a bad experience with?) Thanks

  10. I am sure this has been posted before, but would love advice and/or ideas. I have five kids and there is always an interruption when we have school. My youngest is 4 and is always wanting my attention and to do school. My son, age 6, does his work if I sit next to him the whole time. If I put my attention to one of the other kids, he stops working. (He can complete his work within an hour...but it seems to take hours...) The older kids (9,10,11) do well until they are distracted by either of the younger two.


    Please help, I want to have a relaxed, nice home school environment for the kids. I also do not want to have to turn on cartoons for the youngest just to pacify her.

  11. I started this year using TLP, total language plus, for my three oldest, 12,10 and 9. (My two oldest use classical roots) Since the beginning of the year I have started using Rod and Staff for my 12 yr old and 1st lang. less. and writing w. ease for the the 10 and 9yr old.


    I am curious if TLP may just be added work. It seems to make the day last alot longer and is taking away from other things. Just curious if any one else has had this happen and if there are any suggestions.

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