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Posts posted by raganfamily

  1. On 2/9/2019 at 6:19 AM, drjuliadc said:

    I have patients try a chelated magnesium, not oxide, to make sure a child is sleeping deeply first, then:

    Tyrosine, an essential amino acid, raises dopamine, the brain chemical that ADHD drugs mostly affect.

     Neurolink by Designs for Health has tyrosine and nutrients to support other neurotransmitters. Rarely is there a problem with only one neurotransmitter.

    I usually recommend it with Brain Vitale, also by Designs for Health, which helps with memory and motivation to learn.

    But trying one, then the other, then the other is a good idea.

    Eric Braverman M.D. used to have a great book about raising neurotransmitters naturally and now I can’t find it.

    Dan Amen and Billie Jay Sahley’s books are good too.


    Thank you for this protocol.  I will get some of the magnesium today.    I will look into reading books from those authors, as well.

  2. 7 hours ago, nixpix5 said:

    My DS takes L-Theanine and it has changed his life in terms of calm and focus.

    Thank you!  I will order that and try it first.  This gives me hope.  He had two test grades come back since I posted a 44 in Biology and a 48 in Algebra I.  A's on all his homework and projects.  He is frustrated and I am frustrated and feeling more and more as a failure. 😞 

    I did order Genius Conscious it is a powder to put in a drink.  Here it the label image.png.57c21e639a6e6ecc6220e7daf48efc27.png

  3. My ds has attention issues and we have always done other things to get him through school.  However, high school has really made him hit a wall.  We have outsourced some of his school and it is not going well. (Completing High School at home is not going great either)  He is very frustrated and complains he can't concentrate and will take hours to complete math. He is almost 16 and we did hold him back a year, but at this rate we will not make it through high school 😐

    The dr wants to put him on ADD meds, but I have been told this could hinder if he decides to join the military later and he doesn't want to take the meds. 

    Sorry for the ramble....Does anyone recommend a good natural alternative to ADD meds?  There are numerous on Amazon.  He has started protein shakes with a coffee shot and says that helps a little. 

    I am hoping there are others who have walked this road and have experience and suggestions.



  4. I was searching through my old files and found a line up of videos for Chemistry.  It is through the University of Marylanhttp://www.learner.org/resources/series61.html

    I attached the video list I found..

    Thank you for posting about this, it has given me a good revamp for my last two hs kiddos ages 15 and 13 🙂

    The World of Chemistry video lists.docx


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  5. We used Zumdahls Chemistry, Great Courses Chemistry, http://www.periodicvideos.com (There is a YouTube Video for this and we all filled in our own Periodic Table of Elements as we watched the videos), a couple of living books, and a chemistry kit.

    For what it is worth, my older daughter used this and LOVED chemistry.  It really sparked her interest.  My second daughter watched all the videos when my older daughter did.  However, when it was time for her to do Chemistry we used Apologia.   She does not have the same LOVE of Chemistry, but made an A in Chem I in college.


  6. I have not thought of him to have dyslexia.  His older sister has a mild case and has found ways to adjust for college.


    He does not want to read and has to read something more than once to understand what it is about.  However, on subject matter that he is interested in he will read, take notes and even use sticky note tabs.  (He has done this with any photography books he has read)  I have come to the decision that he will not be reading long novels like his older siblings. 


    I have switched him to the new WTM Grammar book and that is working wonderfully.  So, yes he is behind, but I feel this will be good to continue through high school.


    I have also switched him to the WWS Level 2.  Though we are in week 2 and he is acting like it is too difficult.


    Thank you for adding that it might need to be more of a team aspect.  I personally have taken on more than I should this school year.  I started a one day school, thinking it would be the fix.  However, it takes a majority of my time during the week.  Though I am helping other kids, my own seems to be falling behind.  I have decided to minimize for the next school year.  Yet, I have many obligations through May.


    Thank you for adding the Movies as Literature and the Open Tent Academy. 


    I am also trying to figure out how to restructure.  Have you tried 4 subjects a semester approach?



  7. My number 4 is starting high school next year and truly dislikes any school.  Or what he thinks is school. He has never been diagnosed, but I would consider him ADD.  I do not want to put him on medicine. I have graduated 3 and they weren't necessarily easy, but did whatever was asked of them for school.  


    I am honestly very tired and have strongly considered putting him in school.  (He is on 2 wait lists right now) The schools where I live are not that great.   After speaking with my husband, we decided homeschooling would be the best option for him.


    So I feel like I have to recreate and be a bit creative with his schooling.  I am thinking project based type schooling might be good or only tackling 4 subjects a semester.. I just do not have experience with this and feel very frustrated.  Has anyone dealt with this or have suggestions?  He loves photography and could tell you anything about it.  He loves being outside and is very active.


    This year I tried outsourcing and he goes to classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  He seems to do ok with these, and has really enjoyed the social aspect.  Yet, his math, grammar, reading, and writing abilities have suffered.


    I can be over the top with my children's education and feel I have to lower my standards.  This is really frustrating to me and seems to be to him as well.  I do not want to be a nag and want to enjoy this time and the benefits of homeschooling.


    I have sort of rambled and I do apologize. 



  8. The idea of a combination of one day/week classes + online support is really interesting! I haven't seen that before. 


    If you have time, I'd love to hear how you implement an online class aspect.


    I've been thinking about this sort of thing for a while, too. One of the big issues with one or two day a week programs that I've seen and heard about locally is that there are often students who don't do much on the non-school days. The whole idea of a hybrid is that students go to "school" one or two days a week and then work on their own or with their parents at home the other three or four days. Some families do this, some don't. If students aren't doing work at home, it drags the level of the class down.

    One solution is to be super careful about the families & students one chooses to work with.

    Maybe another solution would be the online aspect that you're doing?  Is that why you're planning an online piece?


    Sent you a pm


    • Like 1
  9. What are you doing for curriculum? Did you write lesson plans? I have a lot more questions but I'll sit on them for now.


    We are using methods from CM and classical.  So the Core classes are planned, but many of us did this every year in a friends living room.  Basically deciding on the core text and adding living books with it.  Other classes the teachers already had their materials planned on their own.   


    I don't mind the questions.

  10. How did you find so many teachers SO fast? Surely you are not teaching pre-k through 12th, plus preschool, tutoring, and guidance counseling by yourself? I couldn't find out anything about teachers or administrators on the site. Are parents enrolling their children without knowing anything about the teachers' qualifications and experience? No info about background checks for teachers, either...


    Cheryl Lowe suggested starting a cottage/hybrid school by offering just Latin, and then expanding a little each year...maybe adding math and grammar, then opening enrollment to younger siblings the third year...Marva Collins didn't even add a helper for many years, and all subsequent new teachers were apprenticed by herself *after* becoming educated in skills and content.


    But in 2017, I have heard of no fewer than a dozen "just add water" de facto schools.


    I am not teaching anything, though I really want to.  There is not a preschool at this time.   A majority of the people teaching were in a Charlotte Mason group that discussed her books, etc for years.  We have done CM enrichment co-ops and now they are helping with this.  There are a few that teach part time for surrounding private schools as well.  I definitely could not have prepared what we have without all their help.


    Great point on the background checks.  Right now everyone that is registering knows someone that is teaching.


  11. Between June 21st when you didn't have a plan and we're asking questions and July 5th, you started an academy offering hybrid classes and guidance? Did you get business licenses? Understand your tax liabilities? Secure a location with insurance? Create actual plans for the hybrid classes?


    It took me longer than that just to get my licenses, set up my state and local business tax accts, and create a website for a book I had already written. I am speechless that you managed to go from nothing to offering classes across multiple grade levels with enrollment discounts ending July 18th all in under 2 weeks.


    I haven't had much sleep the past two weeks :)


    Alot of things have just lined up...

    • A private school left a church building right by my house who were glad to have us occupy the space one day a week.
    • Many in the community were excited about this and I have had lots of help from family and friends.

    This has been in my mind for years.  I also have my Masters in Operations Management and have taught business classes over the past decade, which helps.  I am only focusing on the class portion of it for right now.

  12. Hmm.  Well, I don't know if any bill themselves as such.  I suppose it partly depends on what you mean by those designations.  Some people would consider CM to be a type of classical education in and of itself. So what do you see as distinctive about the two you would like to combine?


    I know years ago I was thinking about a CM type school and researching some that already existed, and some did use some "classical" curricula if you looked closely.  And some groups that bill themselves as classical use some distinctive CM type elements.  So you might need to look at the programs rather than what the schools call themselves.

    I have noticed that as well.  I have also noticed that many Classical schools do use CM methods. 

  13. Does anyone know of a co-op or one day school that is Charlotte Mason/ Classical?  I am wanting to start a hybrid type co-op/school in my area that has these two models intertwined. 


    I have searched online and can't find anything.  I feel like this already exists, since, many homeschool this way.


    Any input would be appreciated.


  14. I do it for free for now. I would recommend starting off that way and offering free workshops and seminars. I have people offering to pay travel expenses for workshops. Build your credibility first within the homeschool community.


    That might be what I need to do now.  Possible, charge if someone is wanting a more one on one guidance?  Thank you for your feedback.


    I feel there is so much seasoned homeschoolers can offer.  This is what helped me on my beginning journey to homeschool :)


    • Like 1
  15. Thinking about offering guidance services for homeschoolers in my area.  This would be helping with planning out curriculum, developing curriculum, college prep, transitioning to high school/college, etc.


    Does anyone currently do this? Or used someone like this?  If you could PM me that would be wonderful.  I am trying to think through fees, meeting times, what people might actually need, etc.




  16. I can't agree with the "great resource" part, but I can heartily get behind "struggling through it" and "many days wanting to chuck it to the four winds." Despite our valiant struggle, nothing carried over into her writing and I won't waste the time with it again. It also made me reconsider using Windows to the World by the same author. I have the books downstairs, but probably won't try to use them. It was just too difficult to make EE work with how poorly the teacher resource was written and how little the hard work we put into it paid off in the long term. (I'm bad at teaching writing & DD#1 has never been fond of writing, so after this experience, I decided to outsource her writing.)


    My oldest went through the EE and I chose not to do this with my next two oldest. Instead we just focused a couple of days on what the EE said and used it as a reference.  I would not purchase this as a reference.


    Have you looked at Excellence in Literature?  We have enjoyed using this and it is flexible.


    • Like 2
  17. In logic stage, I would use it, and just add some experiments from somewhere. I would use the Usborne Encyclopedia of Science since I have it. I would read with child, read the corresponding article, do the activity. Write it up, do definitions, watch a video. Call it good. In fact this is what I always wish we were doing, but my dds always like to do science with their co-op class, so they have to do just do the textbook style Apologia that they always use. At least they do the labs there. :)



    We are using the Newton book and Quest Guide. I really like the Quest Guide for this one - we mostly verbally answer the written work together but the experiments or demonstrations help them a lot. Some of them are tough (one was studying the rate of acceleration using a toy car, ramp, taking a video and analyzing it frame by frame adm graphing the curve- they aren't all that difficult but I do find most of the demos so far to be worthwhile and not just fluff!)

    We did not use the quest guide for Aristotle, just read, and there isn't one for the last book. There's an online download for five dollars on the NSTA website, but it's not nearly the same. So I don't know what we will do next year. :-(


    Thank you.  I ordered the Student Quest Guide and not sure about the teacher guide for Aristotle Leads the Way. I think we can do the experiments without the teacher guide.  (I prefer not to spend more $) So, I am going to tie in Kingfisher with the readings.  I wish the Apologia General Science worked.  It is open and go, which I need right now. 


    Today, my dd researched and wrote a couple of pages on how the dishwasher works.  (She really dislikes Apologia and this was her way to show me she doesn't need it?)

  18. We watched The Century by Peter Jennings on YouTube.  There is a study guide that goes with it and has great questions and reading suggestions.


    I can't seem to find the study guide that was online, but I did save it and would be happy to send it you, send me a pm.


    Here is the order of the episodes:




    Volume 1: The Beginning Through The 20’s

    • Episode 1 (The Beginning: Seeds of Change)
    • Episode 2 (1914-1919: Shell Shock)
    • Episode 3 (1920-1929: Boom To Bust)


    Volume 2: The ‘30s

    • Episode 4 (Stormy Weather)
    • Episode 5 (Over the Edge)


    Volume 3: The ‘40s

    • Episode 6 (1941-1945: Civilians At War)
    • Episode 7 (1941-1945: Homefront)
    • Episode 8 (1946-1952: Best Years)


    Volume 4: The ‘50s and ‘60s

    • Episode 9 (1953-1960: Happy Daze)
    • Episode 10 (1960-1964: Poisoned Dreams)
    • Episode 11 (1965-1970: Unpinned)


    Volume 5: The ‘70s

    • Episode 12 (1971-1975: Approaching The Apocalypse)
    • Episode 13 (1976-1980: Starting Over)


    Volume 6: The ‘80s and ‘90s

    • Episode 14 (1981-1990: A New World)
    • Episode 15 (The ‘90s And Beyond: Then And Now)
  19. I just wanted to add regarding AG.  You can go complete this at a slower pace.  I found 7-8th grade to be a good starting place and gives time to finish it.  I really like the Review and Reinforcements to give in high school.  (I recommend no matter what grammar you may have used. It is a great review.)


    AG also recommends to be flexible.  You do not have to do all the problems or all the worksheets.   If they understand the concept, you can go on, or only assign odds or evens, etc.


    I'm excited about SWB's grammar as well, and may switch to it when it's available.


    My older 3 really know their grammar.  (They used all 4 levels of FLL, Rod & Staff (1 yr), IEW Fix-It (1 yr), and completed AG)



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  20. My dd was in tears today working through Apologia General Science. (She doesn't cry very often and works hard at her school.)   She pleaded, "Can I please watch videos, read about something, write a summary and do an experiment?" 


    She is my youngest and this is the first time I have used General Science.  I have only used Apologia Chemistry and Physics. 


    So, I am thinking of switching her.  She is 11 and I am thinking this might not be the best format for her.


    I have the Story of Science series, and have never used them. (Always wanted to) 


    Has anyone used this or recommend resources to go with it so it could be a stand alone science?  I have no problem pulling things from various areas to make one curriculum.  I thought using Aristotle Leads the Way as the spine and adding in experiments might be good. (She will be starting Ancients soon)



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